Thursday, January 12, 2012

Project Life Week #2: January 2 - 8, 2012...

This was a significant week for me, and it was a challenge to capture it in a Project Life layout that I'd actually want to look at. If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you may remember that my mom was killed in a car crash almost a year ago now. Here's the post I wrote about it back then. This past week Michael and I flew to California for the conclusion of the court proceedings in her case. It was both a very difficult week and also a good week because it brought some closure to what has been a painful process. The Orange County Register did a really nice job with an article about it that you can see here.

In the end, I am really happy with how the layout turned out, and I'm really excited to share it with you! Here we go...

This week I used the the Clementine kit, memorabilia and stuff from my stash.

Here's a closeup of the left side...
Noted: A meeting I attended at Interact Center (I love the look of their sign and building); Lunch at the Veggie Grill in California (people were blurred out for privacy), Scrapping The Music's first week of 2012, Michael's current novel, and the beginning of Nat Kalbach's online creativity summit.

The January Calendar is a free printable from Owl Barn. The journaling spot is one that folds open for lots of writing space. The quote on the grey striped paper is from the Fray - it seemed appropriate for this week.

Here's a closeup of the right side...
Noted: a new favorite eating spot, my sister Renee's new condo, a trip to Blick, and our hotel room in California.

The pink and white striped background on the top left is actually the toilet paper wrapper from our hotel! HA. It was just so cute I had to use it. The image of the brownie torte is from the internet. I also included our keycard from the hotel (it's grey and white) - again - too beautiful to pass up. The "faith" bingo card is from Jenni Bowlin. I tucked a copy of my victim impact statement and the newspaper article behind the Los Angeles postcard. Then I don't have to see it each time I look at the spread; but it's there if I ever want to.

Thanks so much for visiting and for your comments - I really appreciate them!


  1. Wow... I read the article... that must have been so hard for you and Renee and Michael to go through.. wow my friend... just wow... hugs and prayers to you, Renee and Michael for enduring that pain... I am glad they actually found the woman that caused this and that she is at least getting jail time... I like what the judge did too with your Mom's picture! That was just touching that he did that!! I friend of mine rides a motorcycle and was hit last year and then dragged for 20 feet by the van that hit him... he lived (thank God!, but was in the hospital for a longgggggggg time and still has many problems, and the man that hit him got nothing except a $200 fine... ugh.. so I am glad that the woman that caused this got some time for her crime... loveeeeeeee your pages Michelle... they are just beautiful!! :):):):)

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend! That must have been awful. Thanks for your kind and supportive words Julie - they mean a lot to me.

  3. Dear Michelle,

    I'm so sorry for the loss of your mom, how awful for all of you. The pages look wonderful and I like that you included a little of everything from your trip back there. I'm amazed at how much you collected this week and make it all work in the pages. That TP paper wrapper is so cute and I would never have thought to use it. You have inspired me to keep my eyes open and to use anything. I am also in the Jumpstart class and didn't even think to download that picture again you are inspiring me. Isn't that class so awesome, it's helping me so much.

    Thank you for sharing this story with us and the pages. You really did a nice job. I'm sorry again for your family and I have no doubt she was an AWESOME MOM AND LADY, LOOK HOW AWESOME YOU ARE AND I'M SURE SHE IS SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!

    Hugs for you and your family,

  4. wow Michelle - they did do a really nice job with the news article! i bet if feels good to put this part of things behind you so you can just enjoy your memories.

    your page is terrific! toilet paper wrappers - ha!!!

    i am hoping to join the retreat on saturday. both kids are in rough shape. have fun today!!!

  5. That is Some article. I hope you and your sister receive some closure with this part of the ordeal over. I like that you saved the article behind a postcard. I wish you only the best.

  6. Thinking of you during this tender time, but what a tribute to your mom you and your siblings continue to be--beautiful, strong, powerful women.

    It's been 19 years since my mom died at age 58 (also the result of an automobile accident, after being hit head-on by a young college student), and five years this past Sunday, January 8, since my dad died. I've learned that the best way for me to honor their memories is to be the kind of woman they raised me to be and would be proud of.

    Blessings and best wishes to you all as you look back and remember while also moving forward in her honor.

  7. Oh, Michelle, my heart aches for you. What a touching way to remember her. I love how you approached the PL page- just beautiful!

  8. Sending you so much love and healing. I'm devastated for you. <3 <3

  9. Michelle, I have been thinking about you...I'm so glad you were able to get a lot of the paperwork done that needed to be done. And I'm so amazed that you did your PL for this the details and what a treasure to look back on...Hugs to you my friend!

  10. Michelle, I started reading your blog after this happened to you. I am so so sorry. My mom passed three years ago in Feb (still miss her so much). It happened suddenly, but due to natural causes ... I can not imagine the horror and the anger if someone else was the cause. I am so so sorry. You are such an upbeat person so you have found a way to truly not let that woman rule your life ... I applaud you for that. Hugs to you.

  11. That article was amazing. Filled with so much aloha for everyone involved. Today my Mom would have been 96. I've missed her for 10 years. My one little word this year is story. I'm writing down stories she told me so my kids & grandkids will have them to enjoy for years to come. Still waiting for your next honeymoon, coming to Hawaii so I can be your tour guide! Hugs & Aloha.

  12. Beautiful layout and a really nice blogpost, Michelle.

    And thank you to everyone for the kindness. We all appreciate it.

    Renee (Michelle's sister)

  13. A special week indeed Michelle... I know the feeling and difficulties of wanting to picture this kind of weeks into a journal and yet it is so important. You did a great job!

  14. Beautiful job with this spread. Including the victim impact statement and the newspaper article behind the postcard is a great idea- very telling for your reason for the trip. I lost my uncle two years ago to a sleepy driver who hit and killed him as he rode his bicycle to sunday market- this story really hits home.
