Sunday, February 5, 2012

February Collage...

Hi everyone! Gosh it's been a busy week! I've been running full speed ahead all week, with barely any time to create! EEK! Thank heavens, yesterday was my monthly girlfriends crop. It was just what I needed. Time to slow down, spend time with my friends, and create. I finished my February collage and envelope. Here's how it turned out...

click on image to enlarge
I took my time and used tons of stuff. Sheet music, magazine images, scrapbook paper, wallpaper, painty paper towels, washi tape, 7 gypsies printed tissue paper and some Basic Grey rub-ons from the Lauderdale and Wander lines. The right side is the front of a 6x9" manila envelope, which I will use to hold my receipts, online class materials, and other miscellaneous stuff from the month.

Here's the back of the envelope and the other side of the collage...
This is all part of the daily writing/smashbook style journal ritual that I am developing. I am planning a post to show you more of the details of that whole process. It's evolving as it goes and I am totally loving it!

I'm finishing up my Project Life spread for the week. Should be able to share that tomorrow.

Oh, and I'm also working on re-numbering all of my journals! It's a big process, but it will be so worth it when I'm done! I will share my progress soon...

Thanks so much for visiting and for your comments! Have a fabulous Sunday my friends! I will be back soon!


  1. wow ! you did get alot on there. great work.

  2. Loveeeeee these!! LOVING that adorable puppy! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. Love your pages as usual! What type of book are you using for the base?

  4. WOW you always manage to squeeze so many fun things on your pages. I love this about you and it looks great. How cool to have the envelope there, how do you attach it???

    How do you find the time to create so many journals at once? Do you have a schedule of when to work on each one or do you just do whichever one feels right at the time?

    Have a fun week!!

  5. I love your collage Michelle! So much to see, really fun and colourful!

  6. Incredible collage, Michelle! You always manage to use so many great elements and somehow they all seem to go together! Especially love that dinner of notables and the line about Da Vinci! :)

  7. This is gorgeous! I keep seeing more and more detail as I look. Love how you used so many elements, like the scrapbook paper, wallpaper, etc. Beautiful and colorful!

  8. Wow! I love it! I like the car on the arm
