Sunday, March 4, 2012

Journal Collages for Friday and Saturday...

I'm having a ball with my new journaling ritual. My plan is to collage a little bit each night before bed, and then the next day, when I wake up from my napinski, I can do my daily writing on the already-collaged page!

Here's my entry for Friday, March 2...
I included a flap so I'd have more room to write (and also cuz I liked how that funky scrapbook paper with all the different frames looked with the pink paint on the page behind it - ha).

Here's how it looks with the flap open...

Isn't that dog with the flat feet just the cutest? Both he and his feline counterpart came from my Best Friends Magazine (one of my fave resources for animal pics). The cloud in the corner is my hand-carved stamp.

This is an overview of Saturday's entry...

and the detail shots...
Those are Julie Balzer's cloud stencils (love them!), with handcut raindrops. The woman is cut from a photography book.

The right half of this page is something that was handmade by a Full-Tilt Boogie class mate (hence the FTB label on top). It's a nice piece of cardboard decoupaged with aged book paper on top. Yesterday was my monthly girls' crop, so I included my name tag from Archivers, and a candy wrapper from the day. You can also see a portion of a check from 1889 that I got from a vintage swap or ebay (can't remember which). It's in the a mount of $252.20. That must have been a lot of money back then!

I had done some extra journaling early Saturday morning, so I attached this vintage envelope from the IRS to hold it.

One project for today is going to be gathering a bunch of weather related stuff, so I am ready to add the daily weather to my pages. This will include clouds, snowflakes, suns and raindrops. Yeayyy!

Oh, also - I finally signed up for 21 Secrets 2012! It starts April 1st - yeayyyy! Are you going to sign up? The lineup of teachers this year looks fantastic!!!

I hope you are all having an awesome Sunday! Thanks so much for visiting!


  1. Great pages, as always! I'm always inspired by your doodling and journaling - thanks for sharing!

  2. I loveeee these pages Michelle!! LOVING how you journaled around the clouds...and loving that you included that check!! You're right...that was probably a fortune back then!!

  3. WOW you are amazing, always love seeing whatever art journaling you make. It always makes me smile. I love the page with the clouds.

  4. Enjoyed the pages and all the details. Love how you share!
    YES!! I bought 21 Secrets with my birthday money; I am SO excited!!

  5. Stunning pages Michelle! I love all the writing and the pages look so bright and fun!

  6. Michelle! I absolutely LOVE all of these pages! The clouds and your raindrops look amazing, and I love that woman's photo! And your adorable kitties! Such wonderful memories!!
