Saturday, March 10, 2012

Journal Update...

I've got more journal pages to share with you today. I am loving the experimental and interactive nature of this journal! It feels so free...

Here's the overview of Sunday, March 4th...

The left side is a combination of vintage wallpaper, antique ephemera, a fancy napkin (the bird eggs), and some new packing tape that I just love...

On the right side, I used a 6 x 6 scrapbook page that was a make and take at last weekend's crop at Archiver's. It's the pink square with the clouds. Instead of adding photos, I turned it into part of my page and taped it in as a flap...
that flips up to reveal more journaling...

Here's Wednesday, March 7...

Just to give you a comparison, here's how this page looked before I completed it. You can see the stitching down the middle cuz it's the middle page of the signature; and both the left and right side were very narrow. It was piece of a page from a coffee table book. The left was a description of the photo that is on the right (of the sheep)...

You can see the original left side of the page to the right of the unicorn; and I taped on the blue, and the red/yellow patterned papers, to make the page wider. I was also giddy to find an old piece of ledger paper with the word Wednesday at the top! (I'm easily pleased - ha).The illustration is from the book Unicorn Dreams that I got at a thrift store.

On this one, I added the pink vintage wallpaper and blue cardstock to make the page wider...

Here's March 8th. On this one I decided to leave the right side narrow, and instead just added a postcard (the beetle) to allow for extra journaling...

The photo is of my beloved grandparents on my mom's side. I recently came across it, and I love it so much!

The postcard flips open for more journaling room...

On another note, Scrapping The Music has some fun changes coming up! The design team and I are working on them now, and they will be revealed on April 1st, so stay tuned for that!

That's it for now. I hope you are having a super fun weekend! Thanks so much for visiting, and let me know if you have any questions about the journal pages. Sometimes they are hard to explain. I'm happy to answer as best as I can!


  1. WOW Michelle, you always amaze me! These look great and so full of YOU and that's a good thing by the way. So colorful and fun and happy, love this!!

  2. Your pages make me smile today. I didn't read the journaling (I would be sitting at the computer too long - and I planned some art journaling time this afternoon) but you look happy, happy!!! Hope my pages will be inspired by yours today and end up as happy and colourful as yours... I'm going to have my 'colour party' right now, before inspiration. Gonna give that tail I'm holding on to (see my post) a big jerk

  3. you absolutely blow me away with the amount of gorgeous pages you are able to complete each week! i am such a slowpoke but am continually inspired by you to "pick up the pace." :-) and i know it's not about quantity but your work is always as beautiful and interesting as if you had spent all month on just one page!

  4. These are AMAZING Michelle!! I love the 'talked to Mom' part!!! Beautiful and touching!

  5. love your journal many details to look at
