Sunday, April 29, 2012

Playing in my Blue Kitten Journal...

Hi and happy Sunday! Yesterday was my monthly girlfriends crop, and I got to play in my blue kitten journal all day long! It was so much fun!

Here are some new finished pages that I came up with...

This is the inside cover...
If you are not familiar with those two little guys (the pink one and the green one) they are Hoops and Yoyo, and you can see them here. I cut them out of a magazine.  The papers and embellies I am using throughout this journal are mostly a combination of Amy Tangerine's lines, plus Noel Mignon's Primrose Lane and Charm School kits.

This is my handmade envelope to collect stuff like receipts, workshop handouts, and other misc. stuff...
I got the pink angel wings from Noel MIgnon's store, and the April calendar is a free download from Owl Barn.

Here I'm using my handy dandy 21 Secrets Checklist to keep track of where I am with all of the classes.  The ones that are completely colored in I've completed; and the ones with the dots are in process.  I love that they provide this checklist for us!

I learned to do the flower cutouts in Alma Stoller's Child's Play II workshop (which is part of 21 Secrets)...

Sometimes I just feel like writing, so I will do that, and then decorate an envelope to stick it in...

I wanted to keep this article about Davy Jones, so I pasted the first page onto cardstock, and then cut down a page protector to house the double sided page...

and that's it for now. April's almost over so I'm not sure if I will end this journal and start a new one, or just keep going.  It's already getting really full!

I hope you are having a super groovy weekend my friends!  Thanks so much for visiting!


  1. love how colorful and whimsical this is!

  2. I LOVE hoops & yoyo! They ALWAYS crack me up!!! I was gonna write you an email about your process, but I guessed that you might have posted tidbits on your blog, so I'm gonna go thru that first...

    I hope you have a good week! Happy Sunday!

  3. I loveeeeee these!!! So beautiful!!! I loveeeeeeee Hoops and Yoyo!!

  4. Phin - if you have a question about my process I'd love to answer it on my blog - just let me know what your question is! Thanks everyone for your kind comments!!!

  5. I keep track of 21 secrets like that too, lol. I am loving Alma's part 2 ... FUN!

  6. OK, I have a journal, but haven't had the time to start it! How did you get started, Michelle? Did you attend a "beginner's" class? I see you are doing a class now, and your projects are absolutely amazing!!!!!
    P.S. I love Hoops and Yoyo!!!

  7. WOW Michelle, these pages are awesome and colorful and fun. I was going to list what I enjoyed but there's too many. Here's a quick random list
    the clouds scattered thru
    always always seeing your handwriting
    Davy Jones page
    the flowers out of book paper
    the cheveron strips of paper
    the homemade envelope
    your list

    That's most of it but each page is AWESOME!! Would love to see the book and how full it is. Can't believe you fit this much into it.

    Great job Michelle, thanks for sharing.

  8. I love the colours on these pages. Great job

  9. Aweee... so much lovelyness going on in this post, love it Michelle!

  10. These are such wonderful pages! Thank you for sharing!

  11. What fun and graphic pages! Love the one with the I hop I can, I think I can, I know I can quote!♥
