Sunday, August 12, 2012

Project Life Update and Questions answered...

 Before I share my latest Project Life spread, I want to answer a question that was posted in my comments last time.  Debra asked:

Hi..I'm not sure that I understand the little cards are they suppose to be about anything on each day or do you create them based on what your day was like? Are they made out of any type of paper? Do I treat each card like a journal page in my journals? sorry so many questions? just want to understand better. thank you, Debra

Debra, those are all great questions!  Project Life is a system designed by Becky Higgins, and the idea is that you can use it to document your life in any way that you choose to!  It's super-flexible!

What I do is try to make one two-page spread to document each week in my life.  I don't necessarily have a photo per day, or even have every day represented.  I just do an overview of some of the things that happen each week.  Sometimes I use the journaling cards that are designed (and sold) by Becky, but lots of times I just use bits and pieces of my stash.

Beckys offers a video that explains it all really well.  She also sells the pocket-style page protectors, and kits that include different designs of cards that fit into the slots.  If you click here you can go to her Project Life Website, which will give you lots of info.

I hope that is helpful!  Please feel free to leave any more questions in the comments and I will do my best to answer them.

Now - onto my latest Project Life pages...

I can't believe I've been back from my trip to Door County for almost a week now!  Doing Project Life for the week of July 30 - August 6 was extra fun because so much happened!  It was quite a challenge to fit it all onto one 2 page spread.  I know I could do inserts, but I enjoy trying to get an overview of my week onto one layout.  Here's how it turned out...

July 30 - August 6...

Closeup of left side...
 I used one 4x6 pocket to journal about the week in review.  It works pretty well for me, and I am able to mention things that might not have a picture to go with them.  This week I wanted to document the huge pain in the butt that trying to register for Scrapfest was on Wednesday and then Friday morning.  Ha.  Ephemera used on this page includes the business card for The Good Earth Restaurant (where we had dinner with Michael's mom), and the return address label from a scrapper at 2Peas that I bought a super nifty set of stamps from.  I just loved the little mouse picture on her label! So cute!

Closeup of right side...
 You've probably noticed by now that I don't put things in chronological order on my pages.  I just put them where ever they fit nicely.  We did so much on our trip that I only touched on a few highlights here, but I figure I can go into more depth in my travel journal, right? 

 I've got this week's Project Life spread almost done already, which feels great!  I will share either tomorrow or Tuesday. 

I've also been working on alot of stuff for Scrapping The Music, which I can't wait to share!  That post will go up on Wednesday.

I've also been doing a lot of background work for the art journal workshop.  I still hope to have it start shortly after 2013 begins.  New year, new journal - sound like fun?  I hope so!

Thanks so much for visiting and for your comments!  You really make my day!


  1. time with girlfriends, crafting and shopping? priceless!!!

    you and Patricia have inspired me, so I bought some similar PL pages and hope to do... ehem... ok, lets be honest, I think I'll do some december daily pages with them! LOL!!! so cool!

    super Michelle!!! thanks for the PL links!

    : .)

  2. Hi Michelle, GOOD FOR YOU GETTING IT ALL IN ONE SPREAD AND BEING CAUGHT UP!! Can you believe we are into August already, you are a Project Life veteran already, such fun to read yours each week.

    I do like the way you wrote about your week on the one card, will do that one week for mine also. Everything looks great and congrats to Michael.

    Sooooo excited about your class, have fun planning it!!

    Can't wait to see the rest of your posts this week. Will do my best to keep up, kinda busy and I have my Ablasion procedure this week, wish me luck!!
    Take care and thanks for always sharing and making this a happy blog to visit!

  3. These are all AWESOME!!! I love love love love the photos from your trip and soooooooo loving the goat!! And thanks Michelle for the love on my Aleida lo... I so appreciate it!! :)

  4. You are doing an amazing job with your project live, Michelle! I love everything about it - thanks for sharing your talent with us!!!!!

  5. I cannot wait to hear about the class. I will be saving my Christmas money!! (I'm willing to be a beta tester, if you need one, LOL.)

  6. Thank you! I'm going to give project life a your blog,Debra
