Saturday, September 22, 2012

20th Century History...

I'm still working on Monday's assignments for Noel Mignon's Back to School Crop - eek!  I'm behind! 

Monday's night school class was "20th Century History," and the assignment was to do a layout with a photo from the 20th century, featuring the year it was taken prominently.  Here's what I came up with...
I love this photo of us three girls (my sister Renee, mom and me).  I don't remember what we were looking at, but I do remember it was cold and windy that day, and that dad was the one taking the picture.  He was always taking photos, and we would complain, but I sure appreciate all of his photos now!

I made the layout with bits and pieces from my stash and various kits; and painted the title with india ink and a brush.

Now I'm off to work on the Yearbook Committee assignment!  Click here if you want to join in the fun!

Thanks for visiting and see you again soon!


  1. This is a beautiful layout. You look just like your mom!!

  2. WOwwwwwwwww!! I loveeeeeeeeee this Michelle!! I love love love the colors, the photo (you look just like your Mom!!!) and loveeeeeeee the clouds!!!!! GORGEOUS!!

  3. I know... the others said it before me but I really thought it was YOU in the middle.. What a lovely photo this is!

  4. Great layout! Love that color combo!

  5. aawww love this and that it's with your sister and mom. How awesome that your dad was the picture taker in the family. I love that you used a regular everyday photo, those are my favorite kind.

    Great job on this page, works together beautifully.

    You do look like your mom!!!
