Monday, September 17, 2012

Scrapfest was Fabulous and New Scrapping The Music Layouts...

I'm back from Scrapfest at the Mall of America and I'm feeling so INSPIRED!  I took 12 classes and my girlfriends and I participated in two crops and it was FABULOUS!!!

Here's a photo we had taken at the Largest Scrapbook Page in the World...
Left to right: Anne, Christina, Lynn and Me.

I will do a post all about as soon as I get things a little bit organized, but in the meantime, I want to let you know that

The new set of challenges is up at Scrapping The Music!

One thing I love about Scrapping The Music is that our design team is international.  This week our German design team member Frauke is hosting, and the song she picked is called "Rain Red Roses."  I had never heard of this song before, but I absolutely fell in love with it!  The lyrics struck me as so touching and true.  Check it out...

Here's the layout I made...
(That's me on my third birthday)

Our prompt this time around is
Do you remember what kind of music your mother/ your parents liked ?
Did you share her/their taste ?

Here's what I made:
Come on over and play along with us!  Click here to go to Scrapping The Music and check it out!


  1. Hi Michelle,
    So glad you had a good weekend. What an awesome HUGE scrappage that is, love it!!

    These layouts are sweet, how nice to go back in time for them. The layers are great and the colors!!
    So nice to see have you back!

  2. Awesome layouts for STM this week!!!! I love them both, Michelle! Glen Campbell - now that brings back memories!!! And I am so happy that you had a great time at Scrapfest!

  3. So glad you had fun at Scrapfest!! I love love love your lo's!! That photo of you is ADORABLE and loveeeeeeeeeeee the wood grain on the Glen Campbell one!!!!!!

  4. Wow, you girls have been active at scrapfest.. 12 classes? Myohmy, I'm real curious to see all that you made/learned.

    I know the song 'by the time you get to Phoenix' from the Lou Reed version but I too know all the words. And I remember Hildegard Knef too (I noticed this is a cover of one of her songs) and I loved her hoarse voice! Your layouts for STM are again awesome!!
