Sunday, November 11, 2012

Live Life in Color...

This week I did a multi-day journal spread for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  It started with the idea of expressing how I was feeling on Wednesday (happy and bubbly!)...

 Here's an example of how easy it is to fix a lop-sided face.  I noticed after I drew her face that one side was extremely wider than the other!  I just drew in a new line where I wanted the side of her face to be, and covered over the old part with gesso.

 and here is the finished journal page, after I added to it on Thursday and Friday...
Most all of this was done with acrylic paint over gesso.  The outlining on her face was done with india ink and a small brush, and the pinkish shading was done with inktense pencils and water.  The "ENFP" refers to my Myers-Briggs Personality Type.  Are you familiar with those?  It's a test you can take that measures your preferences and tells you what your personality type is.  We learned about it at work many years ago, and I still think about it.  Here's a link to my type description, and you can take the test yourself to find out what your type is - it's super fun!

In other news, I worked on Project Life for October yesterday at my girlfriends crop.  I had so much fun, and made tons of progress!  I should be able to share with you soon!  I don't know if doing the whole month at one time is a good idea - it's a big undertaking; but I do like breaking it up by month instead of by week.  I think....  I will keep you posted on that.  If you have evolving ideas of how to organize your project life spreads I would LOVE to hear about them!

There are still a couple of days to participate in the current Scrapping The Music challenge!  And I'm excited to tell you all about our new challenge that is coming up on November 15th!  It's a special one!

AND - don't forget about MIXED EMOTIONS ART JOURNALING WORKSHOP!  I am teaching it with Marit Barentsen February 4 - March 15, 2013 and we are going to have tons of FUN!!!  Click on the badge in the sidebar, or click here to find out more!  We'd LOVE to have you join us!!!!!

Thanks so much for stopping by my friends!  Your visits and comments mean so much to me!


  1. Wonderful spread and fun to explore those personality types... (Just did the test, I seem to be INTJ... )

  2. Oh that is so interesting Marit - an INTJ! Makes sense that you would be running a creative magazine! Cool! Thanks for your kind words about my journal page! Have an awesome week!

  3. What a fun page this is, love the two different faces. Love all the circles and she's so happy, just like you!

    I will come back and take the test, sounds interesting and fun.

    Looking forward to your PL pages. I have had to do a month before and it was too much. Going only 2 weeks is long enough for me, much easier to catch up and still feel fun about it.
    I do know some that do theirs monthly and enjoy it though. So whatever makes you happy and enjoy the process is what counts.
    Have a good week!

  4. This is sooooooooooooooooo fun!!!! I AM LOVING all the circles around her!!! So bright and happy!!!!! Can't wait to hear what the next STM is!!!

  5. You are so talented that drawing is just your next step. Amazing! It is so you too. Your style comes shining through with that picture. So awesome. Ok that personality test is cool. Going to check out. And PL. I have decided to keep it simple. I never wanted to put in the time I do on it like I would do other work. Photos, journaling, a little tape and stamping and that's it. Hope you have a good week.

  6. I love your portrait. Immediately thought of Carol Channing and her big, bubbly personality so I had to go look her up. Definitely a doppelganger for you! Gorgeous pages and I'm going to go take that test right now.

  7. Wow, this is an amazing journal page Michelle!!! Love how you did all the bubbles for her hair!!

  8. I love your colorful bubbly lady. Sometimes the best outcome is preceded by a mistake!

  9. Hubby and I did the test. He is ESTP and I am INFJ. Love the page!

  10. Thanks for your kind words everyone! It's fun to hear that you took the test and what your different types are!
