Monday, November 19, 2012

Project Life: October 8 - 14, 2012...

I had so much fun putting together this week of Project Life!  It covers the main portion of our trip to Seattle! 

Here's how it turned out...

 I made an insert by cutting the right 1/3 off of a Design D Page Protector.  I wanted the insert to be smaller than the main page. I think I will add a tab to the side to make it more obvious. You can see the second page peeking out from behind the insert...
 Still using little bits from Amy Tangerine's Ready, Set Go line to decorate...

Here's a closeup of the left side...
 I didn't include much ephemera because I had so many photos I wanted to showcase.  I did add an itinerary tho, so I would remember what we did on each day!  The photo of Kurt Cobain was a wall-size mural at the Experience Music Project Museum, and Mick Jagger is a photo of a photo that was on the wall.  When I think of Kurt, I think of him wearing that yellow cardigan.  Makes me kinda sad. The Nirvana Exhibit at the EMP was one of the reasons I wanted to go to Seattle.

Here's a closeup of the right side (insert)...
 The bottom left photo is a sculpture at the EMP made entirely out of instruments (mostly guitars) and it's HUGE!  The right side is photos that represent the flavor of the city of Seattle to me.  Very urban, very artsy.  Loved it.

Flip over the insert, and the page looks like this...

 Closeup of the left side (insert)...
 These pics are pretty self explanatory, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask. I LOVE the photo of the pigeons.  That guy in the middle really has personality, doesn't he?  There were tons of them down at the pier, and I took about a bazillion pics of them!

and finally, here's a closeup of the right side...
 There were tons of street musicians in Seattle, which added to the artsy personality of the city.  And last, but not least, pics of the train ride home.  Oh my goodness, what a great time we had!

Rest assured, there will be a travel journal coming.  I've got tons more pictures and lots of ephemera that I didn't include here; but what I LOVE about Project Life, is that I was able to capture our trip in a nutshell.  It was a lot of fun to relive the memories as I put these pages together.  Thanks for coming along for the ride!

Tomorrow, it's back to my Book of Days Journal.  Thanks for visiting and I will see you then!


  1. Looks like it was such a fun trip. I will make a point to drive you guys past some of the fun street art here next time!! xo

  2. WOW Michelle!! This looks great, so full of fun and adventure and sights!! How sweet to see pictures of both of you seperate and together, really tells the story. The itinerary card is so cute, great job fitting that in there. I like the extra insert.
    How exciting to make a album just for the trip, can't wait to see.
    HOORAY FOR BOD posts coming soon, love them!!
    Can you believe it's been almost a year already, time is moving to fast for me.
    Thank you for the comment on my tree post, so glad you could see them!

  3. That place is one on my bucket list!!! How cool to see the Cobain exhibit!!! I loved the photos of you sleeping too!!! ADORABLE!!!

  4. Oh my goodness, Michelle! Your project life pages ROCk!!!! I love, LOVE your photos from Seattle - especially love the young Mick Jagger pic and the photos of a pretty, sleeping Michelle, too! TFS these with us.

  5. I love that you are still doing these MIchelle!! I need to send you an email but can't find the link on your blog to contact you. Can you please email me (link on my blog).
