Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Book of Days: Transformation...

Hi everyone!  Over at Book of Days, we are exploring the topic of "Who Am I Right Now?"  As I pondered this, the thing that kept coming back to me is that I am in transformation.

Here's what I came up with...
The woman is a stencil that my talented friend Jessica Sporn designed for StencilGirl Products.  I really wanted her to stand out against the colored background, so I used modeling paste through the stencil. I just LOVE the way she is standing.  She felt perfect for what I wanted to express here.  Other materials include: acrylic paint, stamps, distress stains, gesso and gelatos.  Oh, and some spray ink.  Basically every medium I had in orange and/or pink got thrown on there.  Ha.  The doodling was done with a Sakura Glaze pen in black, and sharpie poster paint pens.  The title was done with india ink and a brush.

I hope your week is going great!  I will be back tomorrow with a Life Book page to share.

Thanks for visiting and I will see you then!


  1. Jessica's stencil looks amazing here, Michelle! I love the colors and the energetic feel I get from your beautifully designed pages.

  2. Loving how bright she shines on your page. And those warm, happy colors - gorgeous! (And just in case anyone looks for the stencil - the link is http://www.stencilgirlproducts.com!)

  3. WOW, this is gorgeous!! I've been wanting to use these colors this week too. Now I have to after seeing yours came out so great.

    I LOVE LOVE the stencil, she is perfect for the feeling your page is. So glad your enjoying your art and your class.

    I'm signing up this weekend for your class finally, took too long since I haven't babysat. This is my extra play money so I had to wait longer. SOOOOO excited for it to come and learn new things with you!!

    Thanks for sharing and for your sweet comment on my blog. I didn't plan on PL being this hard with my change so reading your comment really helped!!

  4. Perfect choice of colors and mediums!! Always enjoy seeing your pages!!!!

  5. Absolutely GORGEOUS Michelle!! I loveeeeeeeee the colors and the girl!!!

  6. Thanks so much for your kind words everyone! Jessica, thanks for the info about the link, I made the correction and put the link in the post.

  7. I love the way your paper takes the color - just wonderful!

  8. A beautiful page. I just love the background color and vibrancy. The girl looks like she is ready to take on the world! Love seeing your pages.
