Thursday, January 10, 2013

Saying Goodbye to Scrapping The Music...

Hey there everyone!  I hope you are having a beautiful week!  With all of the new things happening with the beginning of the year, I haven't had a chance to post this yet.

After 5 and 1/2 years of challenges, we decided it was time to close down the Scrapping The Music blog.  It was a difficult decision made with a heavy, but grateful heart. I feel honored that I had the opportunity to coordinate the blog, and work with so many creative and dedicated women on the design team over the years. Some of the design team created "goodbye to STM" layouts for our final post.  Check out their beautiful work here.  The blog will stay up indefinitely, in case anyone would like to still work on the challenges - they are there for you.

The good news is, we have started a flickr group called "Art Inspired by Music!" The group is intended to provide a casual place for people to post any kind of music-inspired project -  It can be art journal pages, scrapbook pages, mixed media, altered art, photography, etc. If you made it and it was inspired by music, it belongs in our group!  There are already 143 images there, and we'd love to have you join us!  Click here to check it out!

Don't forget - there is still time to sign up for the art journaling workshop that I am teaching with Marit Barentsen called Mixed Emotions!   It starts February 4 and runs for six weeks - we are going to have tons of fun!  Check it out here!


  1. Oh my gosh, I am still having "mixed emotions" (maybe I should make a page about it!!!!!) about STM closing, Michelle! But I am loving going to our Flickr group! It's great to see everyone's creations there. and YAY - countdown to your workshop begins!!!!

  2. Hi Michelle, have missed you this week. Hope your healthy and doing well.

    I was sorry to hear about this too, I know you LOVED it so much and it inspired me all the time. It's so nice that a flickr is open for others to still share their pages. Who knows maybe you will see one of mine over there!! Hope that you will still be posting some music related art journal pages, they are a big part of you!!

    Did you order the Seafoam kit, they are in finally!! I haven't ordered yet, trying to hold out and use my own stash for now but will have to get it sometime. What do you think of all the newest ones from Becky adn team, WOW they blew me away with that one.

    My first week and title page are up on the blog and some other fun news if you'd like to look. My pages came out great after many attempts.

    Happy Weekend!

  3. Was sad to see that announcement, but totally understand -- I remember how much time/energy it took to run STM - and I totally admire that you did it for so long Michelle! You were amazing for STM!!!! :)

  4. First of all, what an accomplishment to have the STM up for over 5 years-- It is an amazing, inspirational site I always related too....with that said, I am grateful it will be open to revisit.
