Friday, January 18, 2013

Soulistry: "Look Well To This Day..."

I had a lot of fun thinking my Soulistry topic through this week.  It was all about "being present in the moment.  The prompt was a Sanskrit Proverb...

"Yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow is only a vision.  But today, well lived, makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.  Look well, therefore to this day."

It made me think of my dog Dacotah. We nicknamed him "Zen Master," because of the way he was when we took him on walks.  He went very slowly, stopping to sniff each flower; greet each person he saw, and listen to any bird sounds.  It made me slow down too and appreciate those things.  What a sweetheart he was.  Anyhoo, I was thinking of him when I made this...
 The new thing I tried this time was a water-soluble pencil for the title.  I loved the effect so much I went crazy and outlined everything - ha! So much fun!

P.S.  This was my sweet, huggable Dacotah...
photo is from 2005

Thanks for visiting! 


  1. Thank you Michelle, for adding that proverb to this post. It's one I needed this morning and I will try to live today to it. I love your spread! A dog named "Zen-master" - ha, that's the best I ever heard!

  2. AWWWWWW! Your pooch is absolutely adorable, Michelle! I am LOVING your gorgeous pages. Your quote is wonderful, and I am loving how you used your new pencils, too!

  3. Awwwwwwwww he has Dandy's coloring ... I love love love your page!! So true ... Dandy does everything with ease!! :)

  4. aawww this is so sweet! I love the way you share pet stories and your love for them. How awesome that our pets can teach us things and open the world to us. My LUCKY does that too, gets me outside more then ever and takes time to smell and sniff the wind on windy days and enjoys a good run in the snow.

    p.s. I'm hoping to share a surprise for you on my blog next week, keep your fingers crossed it works for me. My paint isn't doing what I want but I'm not giving up yet!!

  5. hi michelle!!!

    I love Dacotah's face!

    and these colorful and whimsical clouds! lovely!

  6. I am a dog lover and totally that is true... They do teach us to live here now. Dacotah looks like he had a wonderful personality - you can see that in his eyes. I'm getting behind on Soulistry so better get a move on!
