Monday, January 28, 2013

Weekly NME Journal Update...

One thing I am loving about my No More Excuses (NME) journal, is that I have absolutely no expectations for beauty in it.  It's more of a place to learn, practice, and reference.  That freedom makes for messy pages that make me totally happy!!!

Here's my progress from the past week...

Weekly page...

 Free-writing about the theme of the month...


 Things I'd like to do in 2013...
This was my first time trying Absorbent Ground as a background - instead of gesso.  Apparently, I have a lot to learn about it, because I failed MISERABLY.  HA.  I thought it was supposed to create a paper-like surface, so you could use watercolors and such.  Instead it made a chalky-like surface that made it impossible to blend colors (as you can tell), and it also smeared my waterproof pen.  Hmmmm...  This will take more research.

I hope your weekend was AWESOME!!!  Thanks so much for visiting!


  1. This (you) totally inspires me to start a NME-journal too! I just might... hmmm.... I love the whimsical pages and 'tests' you create, all pages come out special (even if chalky) I do love the sketches-spread too, great idea to practice drawing that also leaves you with a nice page at the end!

  2. You always come up with the best challenges for yourself, Michelle. Your pages are all awesome, creative, and amazing!!!!

  3. Loving these pages ... I really LOVE your sketch pages!!! And loving how you took time for goals too!!!

  4. Michelle, this is so awesome!! I LOVE LOVE all these pages, so pretty and happy they are. The sketches is a great idea, will add that to my journal sketch page, the goals are AWESOME TO READ and to me the page looks great even if it's chalky. Your writing still makes me smile, so pretty and neat.
    Thanks for sharing and inspiring as always!!

  5. What the heck?! Fail?! Negative! I love the messy. I didn't even see the smeared pen until you pointed it out, and i still don't mind it! Oh and HI IM STILL ALIVE! i miss my crafty ladies! :D
