Friday, February 1, 2013

Going Back to Basics - The Artist's Way...

I haven't been following the Sketchbook Challenge too much lately, but I clicked over there this week to see what was going on, and was instantly inspired by the January theme of "Artist Dates."

I first started journaling many years ago, after reading Julia Cameron's book The Artist's Way.  I was really drawn in by her concept of "creative recovery."  It was just what I needed at the time; and I still count The Artist's Way as one of my favorite books ever.  Anyways, one of the two basic tools she recommends is going on a weekly artist date.  An Artist Date, is a block of time that you dedicate to taking your "inner artist" on a playdate!  Julia explains it more in detail in a little video here. I used to go on artist dates regularly, but haven't even thought about them in years; so seeing the topic pop up at the Sketchbook challenge, felt like a bit of synchronicity.  I decided to start going on Artist Dates again, and I'm so excited about it!

I dedicated my Monday Book of Days spread to this topic...

I've also started doing Julia's other recommended basic tool - morning pages.  She describes those in detail in a little video here.

If any of you have read The Artist's Way, I'd love to hear what you thought about it!  Do you go on artist dates?  or write morning pages?

 I turned my Monday Spread into a  multi-day spread, by adding journaling tags for the rest of the week.  Easy peasy...

I hope your week was fantastic, and I wish you a weekend that is even better!

Thanks so much for visiting!


  1. Hi Michelle~I love your blog & your art; it's so colorful & inspiring! I'm just beginning to read The Artist's Way & have committed to doing morning pages & artist dates for myself-it feels wonderful to have this creative time of writing, playing & exploring simply for the joy of it. I'm loving this!

  2. I loved the Artist Way and off and on have done daily pages (stacks of composition books). I rarely go on artist dates. Trying to reconcile that in 2013. I got started on Walking in This World, but didn't get very far.

    So cool to know that you're into it too... : .)

    I'm current'y reading BrainStorm, Unleashing Your Creative Self by Don Hahn, which so far is a good read, but there are a lot of similarities with the AW.

  3. Michelle, I come to your blog first every day, love your creations! I have a question about your mixed emotions it available after your scheduled weeks? In other words, can a person start any time? Thanks, Leslie

  4. Hi Leslie!
    I'm sorry - but Mixed Emotions is a time-limited class. You can sign up a little late, but it won't be available after the workshop is over. It's just the way the site works. I hope this isn't a disappointment. We'd love to have you join us!

  5. Suz, thanks for your kind words! Enjoy the book - it's so much fun! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    and Phin - I'm so glad to hear that you like the book too! Good luck with your artist dates! I'd love to hear about them!

  6. Loveeeeeeeeeee this!! LOVING those colors and love love love the owl!!! Beautiful Michelle!!!

  7. Hi Michelle, loved reading this post. I too saw the artist dates for January, my whole month got taken over by the flu in our house. I was going to try going to the library so it's kinda public but not to crowded. Will still try to do this soon, nervous but know it's a good idea.
    Somehow I missed the post on morning pages, will go look at that and see if I can do it.

    I haven't read that book but heard it's a good one.

    WOW WOW WOW your pages look beautiful, the owl is so cute and pretty colors. So jealous of the writing, you have a gift my friend.
    Have a wonderful weekend too, stay warm it's freezing outside!!

  8. Oh Michelle, you are perhaps the third prompt I've gotten this WEEK to continue on w/ the Artist's Way as best I can. For the third time in my life, I'm starting from the beginning w/ Morning Pages (which are really easy for me to do ~ love 'em) and Artist Dates. As much as I enjoy creating the symbolic language of a visual journal, sometimes seeing something written out in plain language (I don't want to assume everyone writes in English) can be more visceral. But it's a dangerous business writing out True Feelings ~ especially if you don't mean for someone to read them accidentally. So thanks for being the third prompt!

  9. I started AW twice but have never finished it. The urge is there though. I love your owl! Your pages always inspire me so very much.

  10. I love the Artist Way. I have been journaling for close to 30 years and a friend recommended it. I haven't been very consitant lately with the morning pages. But when I do them I feel as if I can do anything.

    I do need to schedule more artists dates....hmmm new plan for 2013!
