Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Project Life Update...

Hey there everyone!  I have a Project Life Update for you!  About time, eh?  I have gotten in the habit of working on Project Life once a month at my girls' get together crops; and then I get a whole bunch of pages done at once.  It's fun to do it that way, but then there's a big gap between updates.  I am going to try to fix that by sharing a spread each week.

This is the spread from the last day of my scrapbook retreat in February...

Closeup of left side...

I am loving the flexibility of not having to stick to a week per spread.  Having a page per day for special occasions works great for me.  I used a combination of the Today's Story Line from Photo Freedom;  and the  Everyday Eclectic Collection from Echo Park. The postcard on the bottom left is by Pam Garrison.

 Closeup of Right side...
The page protector here is from American Crafts.  It's awesome to have that 6x8 slot for a bigger photo once in awhile.

If you are doing Project Life, how is it going?  Are you still enjoying it?

I'm linking up to Project Life Tuesday.


  1. Wow, I almost can't even deal with how gorgeous your pages are! Simply stunning. I love the colors and the variety of designs and all the handwriting and doodles. Thanks so much for visiting & commenting on my blog!

  2. Love you PL pages!! Nice to see Anne's pic ...she hasn't blogged in forever :) ...hmmmm unless her bloggy doesn't update on my feed anymore :(

  3. HOORAY for a PL post!! It looks great and I too like having just one day/weekend/occassion on a set of pages. It's so nice that we can make it work for us.

    I like all the pictures and the goodies you put in. Keep it up and share more soon!!
