Friday, April 5, 2013

Sharing my Book of Days Process...

I thought it might be fun to share an example of the thought process that goes on behind my Book of Days Art Journal Spreads.  I've started a new process of Sketchnoting Effy's videos, while contemplating what my own feelings are, and what I want to express on my daily page.  Here's an example of my Sketchnote, and the B.O.D. page it led me to...

Basically what Effy does, is create her own art journal page, start to finish on camera; all the while talking through the process.  I find this so FASCINATING; and it gets me thinking about my own stuff.  I am loving learning to sketchnote, and the weekly BOD videos are the perfect chance to practice!  As I get better, I want to add more images along with my words.  Here's a little explanation of what you see above:

-The green box with the music notes: 
There is always a musical score that cuts in when certain things are being fast forwarded (like heat gun, and pasting and other things you don't want to watch in real time).  I record those, because alot of times it's awesome music that I want to look up later.

-Her Steps:
This is pretty self-explanatory, but I note the exact steps she takes to make her page.  I star the ones that I am particularly inspired to try, or feel would work with the topic I want to journal about.

-The orange box:
This is where I record my own thought process while I'm watching.  This really helps with the "I don't know what to journal about" dilemma; and provides a way to form my vision in bits and pieces; and give me a headstart on my page.

So, the video ends and I am ready to get messy!  I have a basic idea in my mind for colors, layers, textures, and a topic already formulated in my head!  I LOVE THAT!  There may be alot that I take from Effy's video, or my thoughts may lead me in a totally different way.  Here's my finished page...

We found out in the last week that our sweet cat Johnny has diabetes.  This page was my way of processing my feelings about it.  It was an emotional week, but we are getting through it together (Me, Michael, Johnny and his brother Willie).  We are learning the routine of giving him insulin shots and sticking to a strict feeding time regime.  So far it's going pretty well, but any prayers and/or healing vibes you could send Johnny's way would be much appreciated.

Anyhoo, I hope it's helpful to see how my sketchnote led to my art journal page!  If you have any questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments, and I will do my best to answer them!

Thanks so much for visiting!  I really appreciate it!  See you again soon!



  1. Thanks for sharing this. I'd love to see a vid of you working through this process, maybe fast-forwarded. Or, just a vid of you doing your own pages, based on your notes. You have inspired me to try this! Thanks! Do you use a separate notebook for the sketchbook ideas process from your BOD?

  2. your work is lovely, thanks for sharing marge

  3. Thanks for your kind words Mary Dean and Marge. I use a Smash Book for my Sketch notes, which is separate from my B.O.D.

  4. I love your handwriting. Sorry about your cat. :(

  5. So sorry about Johnny.... my old Beagle had diabetes and we had to give him shots in the scruff of his neck... and here is a HUGE tip (and you can trust me on this one... cause I actually learned it from a friend that has diabetes ... and then confirmed with my vet) :) -- the pharmacist tells you that the insulin needs to be kept cold in the fridge -- and then take it our of the fridge before you give it to your pet to have it 'warm up a bit' -- well with Buddy he would yelp and CRY :( if it was even the least bit cold -- because it hurts them when it's cold -- anyhoo -- I was talking to my friend with diabetes ... and she told me to NEVER put the insulin in the fridge -- leave it out on the counter all the time to stay at room temperature... because she told me that when it was even the least bit cold for her it would hurt her too -- so she always kept it out at room temp and it worked SO MUCH BETTER for her. So we tried that with Buddy and it worked like a dream!! :) Also make sure that you use the SHORTEST needles :) Your vet can prescribe them so you can get them at the pharmacist :) That also helps with the pain it can cause your fur baby :) Also make sure you get his glucose levels checked every six months :) And just like humans -- and this is the bad news :( Diabetes can cause blindness in animals too, so make sure to have his eyes checked by his vet :)

    I hope this helps Michelle -- you have my email addy ... so if you have any questions, I will do my best to answer them for you :)

  6. Thanks so much Marcia and Julie. Julie, I didn't know your Beagle had diabetes. I'm so sorry to hear that. So far things are going well with Johnny and the shots. He doesn't even feel them. I may be emailing you in the future for advice tho. Hugs.

  7. Michelle, I'm so sorry about Johnny, how hard that must be for you and Michael. You LOVE LOVE your cats sooooo much and I know you will take such good care of him. HUGS FOR ALL OF YOU!! Sounds like Julie gave you good tips, I don't know anything about it but will KEEP ALL OF YOU IN MY PRAYERS!!

    WOW WOW WOW, this page is soooo beautiful!! You are so good at mixing colors and making them look stunning. Your title ROCKS!! I think you used some colored tissue paper in here too??! LOVE THIS!

    What a neat idea with your sketch notes, how creative and helpful during the videos. Thanks so much for sharing this part and it does make sense.
    Hope you will show us more of these when you can, I always love the thought process of your art.

    Have a good weekend!!
    p.s. thought you were a little quiet this week so I'm glad you posted today!

  8. I will most definitely send healing prayers Johnny's way, Michelle. I am so sorry that he (and you) have to go through this. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.

    Sending love: xoxoxoxo

    As for your work, it is stunning as always, my friend. Thanks for sharing your thought processes behind your amazing page!

  9. So very sorry to hear about Johnny. One of my kittehs has lost weight; I am hoping to soon have the money to get her checked out by the vet. Thanks for taking the time to explain your process. Terrific, as usual.

  10. Love seeing the process if this, Michelle! Such a good way to be able to look through and find what you need.

    So sorry about Johnny! And prayers for all of you. We have Daisy allergy shots and than eventually gave her fluids. She didn't have diabetes though. Just giving her these was stressful. You know they need it but don't wAnt to hurt them. I hope all the tips from everyone helps!
