Thursday, May 30, 2013

Doodly Affirmations and Messages from My Muse...

I can't believe it's been a whole week since I blogged - ack!  Where does the time go?  I'm trying to get my swirly life under control here, and little by little it's working, but I'm not quite there yet!

I do have a Life Book update for you though!  I continue to LOVE this workshop!  I can't believe how much I am learning and broadening my horizons!  Here are my pages for the last two lessons...

#1: Doodly Affirmations with Dawn Devries-Sokol:

 This one was not all that different from my usual art journaling process, 
but I had a ton of fun with it! 

#2:  Messages from Your Muse with Shiloh McCloud...

 This two-page spread was created after a meditation where you meet your inner creative spirit (as an actual person), discover the message she has for you and see your personal symbols.  It was a very cool process, and so much fun to create these pages! 

I also want to let you know that Inspiration Everywhere is now on Facebook - finally, eh?  So, if you want to like me over there, then you will get notified when new posts go up, and possibly other things too!  Click here to go to my Facebook page!

I am continuing to try to get back to blogging daily, so wish me luck and I will see you here again soon!


  1. These are gorgeous!! LOVING the colors and love love love the photo of you!!!!


    You are so good with color Michelle, mine never come out this way, STUNNING!! I love all the colors you used.

    WOW, that last one, the girl is gorgeous and how did you get her hair so perfect, I LOOOOOVE IT!! Her eyes, lips all of it, WOW!!

    How awesome to see you in the first one, great picture!!

    The bird is so pretty, so cool!!

    Does these mean they were guests for the Life book? I thought it was one woman who did this?

    I have missed your regular blogging, it always makes me happy to see it. Life does get crazy and that's ok. Thanks sooooo much for sharing, these were amazing to see!!

    I haven't joined the FB crowd yet, so I will miss out on seeing you there, darn it!

    Happy Weekend! HUGS!

  3. Super pages!! Love the pic of yourself and that purple chick at the end... oh my! Off to *like* ya...

  4. LOVE that purple girl!! Cool hair!

  5. I missed a whole lot of your blogposts last months (and eveyone elses too, for that matter...) so I had a bunch to catch up with. LOVE your latest work Michelle! Enjoy your weekend!

  6. Oh Michelle! I am LOVING all of your wonderful creations, so much! I know what you mean about blogging! It has been longer than a 1/2 month since I have even visited my blog! ARGH!!!! Anyway, I really love visiting your blog and seeing your creative and beautiful work, my friend! Tahnks for sharing - and yes, I agree, self acceptance sets you free!

  7. Love your jornaling! Love the inner muse and the bird! The face is lovely!
