Friday, August 30, 2013

30-Day Blogalong Wrap-up and Giveaway!

Hi Friends!  It's the last day of the August blogalong!  I can't believe how fast that went!!!  Although I missed a day here and there, I feel like it was a success, and I've loved every minute of it! 

I've gotten some questions about what I plan to do when the 30 days is over.  I plan to continue showing up here daily, as much as I can.  I mentioned back on day three of the blogalong, that I love the rhythm of creating, sharing and connecting that regular blogging creates; and I still feel that way.  I especially appreciate the kind comments you have left for me - they really brighten my day, and complete that circle of connection and inspiration! 

To celebrate completing the 30 day blogalong, I have another giveaway for you!  It's a copy of a book that I find incredibly inspiring and beautiful.  I keep it on my nightstand and page through it regularly.

An Illustrated Life by Danny Gregory...

Here's a video that gives you more of an idea of what the book entails...

Would you like to win a free copy of "An Illustrated Life?"  Just leave a comment on this post, and I will draw a winner on Monday, September 2.

Thanks so much for visiting!  I wish you an inspiring day, and I will see you tomorrow!


  1. I would love to win your book, but I am in Australia so p&h may be to much. I have really enjoyed reading your blog, you are so up beat and I like all your arty endeavours.
    Very good luck for the future and hope to keep reading you.
    Cheers Pam

  2. Like the other ladies, I really enjoy you blog and all the art and information you share with all the ladies in the (Glitterhood) I would love to win a copy of the book. We all could use some more. Inspiration! Thanks Shelly!

  3. I've really enjoyed spending time with you via your blog. I do hope you'll keep on going, as I hope to do myself. Who knew it could be so much fun?!?!?

  4. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity! I too intend to continue with my blog. I created it just for this blogalong, but I am not ready to give it up. Have enjoyed sharing with all of you ladies far too much.

  5. Congratulations on your August blogalong. Keep up the good work Shelly. September awaits! More please.

  6. love your blog! Keep at it girl!

  7. Oh WOW, thank you. I have been flirting with this book for such a long time...maybe I'll get lucky this time!
    Thank you so much for the generousity! - Rema

  8. Love your blog! Thank you for your generosity. What a wonderful book! Blessings!

  9. Oh I would love to win a book... Thank you so much Michelle....

  10. Thank you. I hope I win ths book. How fun.

  11. I have loved seeing you blog daily this month!! You have shared so many inspiring projects with us!! Thanks so much Michelle!!

  12. Enjoyed the month of August reading wonderful stories of inspiration, how I do's and processes. What a super cool book to view to inspire!!

  13. Oh, I so want this book! And I have enjoyed your blogalong ... but then I love you and your work! Thanks for a chance to win!

  14. Love your blog, Michelle! I would love to win this book!

  15. I would really love this book! But like Pam I'm international (UK). I haven't had as much time to comment here as much as I would have liked, but I love your art so much and will try to get back more often. I plan to continue blogging more frequently too, it's been so much fun!

  16. I would love a copy! Wow, what beautiful colorful journal pages. Keep up the good work.....

  17. I have started a sketchbook/journaling group and this book would be a great resource for us. Thanks for the chance. Robin Laurel

  18. Thank you for giving us a chance to win this book!

  19. Just wanted to say how much I've enjoyed your blog post!! You create great pages and I LOVE seeing them! I have the book so no need to enter me in the give away.


  20. A fabulous look into creative minds. I will tell artist friends about it.

  21. Thank you so much for all the inspiring posts (and the giveaway!) :)

  22. Love your blog! Thanks for a chance to win this book. It looks great!

  23. Way to go Michelle, it's been a great month visiting your blog. Thanks so much for sharing and inspiring us. Glad to hear you will be blogging when you can, I will be here to see what's new.

    WOW, what a generous giveaway!! Count me in for the chance to win!!

    Can't believe how fast this month went! Happy Weekend!

  24. I'd love to win the book. I have enjoyed reading your posts. Your grid book is very fun. I love your different journals and the way you move between them so easily. I have a lot of journals, and am trying to figure out how best to use them.

  25. Great Blog! Always something new and something to learn! Of course I would love to have this great book! Who would not!

  26. I would love to win your book! Please put my name in the hat!

    nuleaf at comcast dot net

  27. Hi Michelle thanks for "visiting" me! I have been so out of touch with visiting my blogger friends as life has gotten in the way but it was great "seeing" you again!! I'm hoping once things settle down I will have more time to get back to being more artsy and having more time. That book looks like amazing eye candy! I've missed seeing your colorful art so it was nice connecting again!

  28. Really enjoyed your blogalong, especially as I'm so busy right now I don't have a lot of time for my own creative pursuits. And thanks for the in depth look at "An Illustrated Life" - I'm definitely putting that on my must-have list!

  29. thanks for the chance to win, Michelle! xo

  30. I would like to win too! Thanks for the chance!!! <3 <3 <3

  31. I just started art journaling a couple months ago, and any inspiration helps.

  32. Thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway. The contest is now closed. The winner will be announced on the Mon, September 2nd blogpost.
