Saturday, August 10, 2013

Project Life Update -

Hey there and happy Saturday!  I'm back with another Project Life update---

This spread is for March 7 - 17th, 2013...

Page Protectors: We R Memory Keepers on the left (square slots in the middle row); Project Life Design A on the right.
What's happening here? It was a regular week at home - lots of little happenings and lots of art stuff.

 Closeup of left side...
 Memorabilia used here includes a label from the new set of gelly roll pens I ordered. A little bit of the seafoam kit and mostly miscellaneous stash used for this page.

 Closeup of right page...
 Memorabilia included here is a beautiful thank you card we received, and a 3D ultrasound of our niece (how amazing are those)?!  It was my mom's birthday on March 17th.  She would have been 80 this year.  I miss her every day.

My process of doing my project life pages is evolving as I go.  I went through a phase where I was tired of it, and I just gave myself permission to put the whole thing aside for a few weeks.  I'm so glad I did, because now I am in LOVE with it again, and having tons of fun!  I tend to do little bits during the week, and bigger chunks on the weekend.  Once a month at my girlfriends' crop, I do a lot of catching up and embellishing.  It's working great.

Are you doing any form of Project Life-type memory keeping?  If you are how's it going?

For more info on Project Life, click here to go to Becky Higgins Website.

Thank you so much for visiting and for your comments and questions!  They truly make my day!

I will see you again tomorrow my friends!


  1. Such cute page filled with color and fun again. You are awesome at filling up your pockets for PL, love how much fun paper stuff you have in your life for this album. So cool seeing your art in it too, I remember them from back then still so it's nice to see them again.

    Project Life is a big commitment and the best thing to do is make it work for YOU! That's what's so great about it, no rules, no wrong/right way it's just your way. Keep up the good work on it!

    Have a good weekend!

  2. I love your pages! So much delicious eye candy! I know how you feel about your mom. Mine passed away almost 4 years ago. Her birthday is always difficult for me.

  3. So beautiful Michelle!! I love love love the bright colors and loving the tribute to Mama!!

  4. love both pages but especially page 2. and i must say your pages are always so brightly colored. any tricks to that? hi from Canada, deb

  5. Thank you so much everyone! Deb, thanks for your question! I think my pages end up colorful, just cuz I absolutely ADORE bright colors, so that is what I tend to buy and have on hand. Sometimes I actually try to tone down the colors, but in the end the bright ones always find their way into my layouts - ha. My advice would be to use what you love, bright or not - and your pages will turn out to be uniquely you!

  6. I love your lifebook pages! I will keep you in my prayers - I loved the photo of your mom!!

  7. Love your work, every things so beautiful and colorful.
