Thursday, August 15, 2013

Work In Progress, and How I Keep Track of All Those Workshops...

Hi everyone!  Last night I had a lot of fun working in my Book of Days.  This time, I followed Effy's lead again, and did some "pulled art," which is always fun! It brings out a whole different side of my creativity, and it's usually a big surprise when it's done!  How fun is that?

Here are a few process shots...
 After I made a layered background, I looked for images within it.  Our theme in BOD this week is "Faces," so I was looking for a face, but right away the elephant popped out at me.  Next I saw the person's mouth, and eyes.  Then, a little voice inside my head was like - "hey, add a hand!  The person should be holding the elephant!"  So I did.  HA.  Sometimes you gotta listen to the little voices.

Here's the next phase...

Just adding gesso to bring out the images more...

 And here's how it looks now...
 It's almost finished.  Just needs journaling.  I don't know what it means yet, so I'm waiting. Hmmm...

I also wanted to share with you an idea I had recently for keeping track of my various and sundry workshop endeavors.  I LOVE taking workshops!  The problem is, I am taking so many right now, there is no way I can get them all done at the same time!  Sooooo, I decided to make a table to keep track of all the lessons that I want to do...

Having this list alleviates the stress of trying to keep it all in my brain (not gonna happen!); plus it's like having my own little playground!  When I get ready to make a page in my journal, and need some inspiration, look at all the choices I have!  Yeayyyy!!!  
 When I finish a lesson, I get the satisfaction of crossing it off the list!  Another yeayyyy!!!

Do you take a lot of workshops?  If you do, how do you keep track of them?  Do you have a system that works for you?  I'd love to hear about it!

Thanks so much for visiting on this day 15 of the 30-day blogalong with Effy!  I really appreciate you!

Oh, and don't forget - you can head on over to Effy's blog to check out what all of the participants of the 30-day blogalong are doing!


  1. What an interesting process and page - I like how the face turned out - profile but not. Once life settles down I want to spend some time most days catching up on all the workshops I've signed up for and haven't finished. I think I'll give your system a try - goodness knows my brain won't hold it all!

  2. How fun ... can't wait to see what you make with this!! And loving how you keep them all organized!!!!

  3. I always enjoy seeing the process of your pages. I, too, am a workshop junkie and am quite intrigued by your chart; in particular the items on it. Moonshine? Animal Spirit Guides? Are these workshops you're taking? Do tell!

  4. love your found elements -- and your organization chart -- WOW! I am so behind in so many workshops and so frozen about what to do first/next/etc., that making a chart seems like just the thing. Thanks!

  5. I LOVE that you went with the little elephant! What a great spread. I love your chart. That's the sort of thing I used to do. Well done!

  6. I love pulled paintings!

    This one is especially whimsical.

    How do you find time for all the workshops?!

  7. This post is awesiome, but what I like the most is your chart. Such a great idea.

  8. Love the colors and the little elephant! Thank you for showing how they appeared!
    Love your Spreadsheet and how you keep it all organized. I am going to have to try something like that for my workshops AND include blogpost, swap and design team commitments too.

  9. Thanks for sharing this process Michelle, it's very intriguing! I wonder if I would have "seen" anything after covering a page with paint etc... I actually get stuck right at the beginning of the process, often not knowing what colours to use! Love the idea of keeping track of courses, I think I need to do that even though I am only taking 2 a the moment. TFS!

  10. Are there really 24 lessons in Letter Love? I like the elephant.

  11. I love what you found and created in your journal page i think it is telling you that your strength is greater than the elephant ! Your list is awesome i should do one of those for myself Thanks for sharing this !

  12. Love your results. I have no imagination when looking for hidden objects! Love your bright colors and clean lines? No, I don't have a system to keep track of my classes, and my brain is not happy about that.

  13. I just love your pulled painting, so imaginative and I love your little elephant. I have a soft spot for them.
    Oh my you are organised. I need something like this. I'm off now to see what I can do about it.

  14. Hi Michelle,
    I'm so glad you did some pull art work, love when you do that and hope to see more. I really need to give this a try. LOVE LOVE the results of yours.

    Awesome chart for your classes!

    I have a question about the classes. Do you keep track of all the passwords/links for these and your past classes. That's what I need to do, I'm visiting some from last year and in the spring and can't always remember the links/Passwords? Thanks!

    I am thinking of writing a chart to show all the new ideas to try that I haven't before. Like your pulled art and many other things you do and others do. If I have a chart in front of me maybe that will motivate me more to actually do these things. what do you think?

    I also want a chart to show that each day I will work on certain challenges and types of art I do so to balance it out over the week. Like you I forget because they are adding up. I haven't done a Glue It Tuesday post in weeks because I forget and then wait for the next week and forget again.
    Hoping when kids go back soon I will be more orgnazied.
    Thanks so much for sharing and any more help/tips you can give me on this.

    Oh, I know a question for you. Do you put a time limit on each page you make so you don't keep reworking it or rethinking your ideas?
    Happy Day 15 but really 16, I'm late,lol.
