Friday, December 6, 2013

Looking forward to the Top 2000, and an Art Journal Update...

Wowzers, this week flew by!  I've got an art journal update for you today, but first I want to mention that one of my favorite things of the year is getting close.  Can you guess what it is???

It's my friend Marit's Top 2000 Blog Party!!!  If you aren't familiar with the Top 2000 Blog Party, it goes something like this:

Every year in early December, a major radio station in the Netherlands (where Marit lives), invites the world to vote for what they think are the Top 2000 songs of all time.  Then, they tabulate the votes, and from Christmas to New Years, they play all the songs in order, as a countdown.  Marit invites us all to take part by creating art inspired by the top 2000 songs.  I have participated every year since it started, and this is the fifth year!  Anyways, it's a lot of fun, and I wanted to mention it in case any of you are interested in joining in this year!  The voting is up now, and you can find the instructions over at Marit's blog here.  I have already voted, and I'm looking forward to seeing who is on the list!

Okay, now - on to the Art Journal Update...

This page is a combination page.  It's inspired by a Book of Days  challenge to use fabric on a page, and also a No Excuses assignment to make a page about your dreams...
 (acrylic paint, fabric, rubber stamps, magazine word, acrylic ink, permapaque marker, and uniball signo white pen)

The writing isn't very legible (on purpose), but it's basically about a dream I had where I was with my cat Willie and I saw a wolf running towards us.  I was afraid because I didn't want the wolf to attack Willie.  When the wolf got close it turned into a small fox, who I was able to keep away by just holding out my foot.  To me the dream was saying that the things you worry about quite often aren't as big of a deal as you make them out to be in your head.  Relax, Michelle, relax.  Ha.

 This one is a straight-up Book of Days page.  The challenge was to use hidden text on a page...
(neocolor II crayons, permanent ink pen, spray ink, white stabilo all pencil, wrapping paper, handmade stencil, balzer designs clouds stencil, permapaque marker and white molotow marker)

Tomorrow is my monthly cropping day with the girls, and it's supposed to be below zero out - eek!  But we are going anyway because we are hardcore scrappers!  I will let you know how it goes.

I wish you a wonderful Friday my friends!  Thanks so much for visiting and I will see you again soon!


  1. Just wanted to say Merry Christmas- you are a great inspiration and I love your blog :)

  2. Thank you so much Jane! and a Merry Christmas to you too!

  3. Can't wait to see what you create this year for Marit's top 2000! I loveeeeeeee your pages!! So bright and beautiful!!!!!!!

  4. Hi Michelle,

    I remember your past countdowns, love them and cant' wait to see this years!!

    WOW, love the page on your dream, great colors. I've been having weird dreams lately, the weird part is that it's the same thing over and over.

    The last page is wonderful too! I'm ready to see what you will do next year. Hard to believe the year is almost over already.

    Have you started decorating yet in the new house?

    Good luck at the crop, such a brave girl you are facing the cold!

  5. Thanks for the shout-out Michelle... I too am looking forward to this event! The voting is closed now and the final list will be made public on December 23...
    I LOVE your art journal pages, especially the 'hidden journaling' one - such great effect, those texts shimmering through - and such a wonderful colours!

  6. I love your pages so much, Michelle! And I am heading over to Marit's blog to check out the top 2000, too!
