Saturday, December 21, 2013

Winter Solstice Introspection Page...

Happy Winter Solstice everyone! 

 Before I get going on today's post, I want to answer a question that came in on this post.

Leslie Gardner asked:  Would you consider making a post, showing your readers how you created this beauty?

This is the page Leslie was talking about:
Thanks for asking Leslie! The texture you see on the page is created by scraping modeling paste through a stencil.  I used regular modeling paste, but I've heard that light modeling paste works even better.  The stencil I used is one of my favorites - it's a hamsa stencil, designed by Jessica Sporn.  The page was inspired by a weekly post in Effy Wild's Book of Days program, which you can find more info about here.

I hope that helps Leslie!

Okay, On to Today's post!

I've been working on an older Life Book lesson that I haven't had time to do  until now.  It's about the things we keep inside, and we learned how to make hands that fold open on to reveal hidden journaling.  It seemed like a great page to do on this special day.  For me, Winter Solstice is all about looking inward, so I decided to include an "I Am" poem.

Here's the page I created...

 The poem continues inside the hands...


Here's the entire poem in what's probably an easier-to-read format:

I Am
I am wide-eyed and curious.
I wonder what it would be like to float on a cloud
I hear music in white noise.
I see faces in inanimate objects.
I want to turn our house into a wildly colorful bohemian sanctuary.
I am wide-eyed and curious.

I pretend that my cats speak english.
I feel like I could fly if I lifted up my feet at just the right moment
I touch the stars in the night sky
I worry about getting all my paperwork done
I cry when people pass on from this life
I am wide-eyed and curious

I understand that we are all wonderfully unique
I believe that there are many paths to god
I dream that my dog china is still alive
I try to express love and gratitude daily
I hope for peace in everyone's hearts
I am wide-eyed and curious.

This is my second "I Am" poem.  You can see the first one in this post.  I think it's interesting to do these more than once over time, and see the changes in your perspective.

I used this handy-dandy template.  It was super fun!  Check it out here if you want to try making your own "I Am" poem!


  1. Dandy is a Belgium dog ... so I can't say if he speaks English or not *wink* ... I loveeeeeeeeee this page!! I love love love the hair and the way you did the hands!!!!!

  2. Ha! That Dandy is so cute! Thanks for your kind words Julie!

  3. WOW this is beautiful artwork Michelle!!

    With love from The Netherlands,

  4. Michelle, I will never get enough of your amazing art!!

    WOW, this is so awesome and cool, LOVE IT!! That poem is so sweet and perfect for you, such a wonderful and kind hearted woman you are and so curious about the world, LOVE THAT!!
    I wish for peace in everyone too, every Christmas that is my biggest wish.
    Beautiful colors, hair, hands and words. Thanks so much for sharing this!

    I bought my PL album for 2014, Michaels' had them 50% off, YAY! I picked the Honey one to go with my already bought Honey core kit. So excited to start a new year with a new PL album. This is another thing I will never get tired of or loving so much!
    Are you getting yours ready?

    If you don't post again, have a Merry Christmas with your loved ones!

  5. WOWZA Michelle. I am always so inspried by your work and your amazing pages. Thank you so much for showing us how you did this one.

  6. so i was catching up on your blog when this "I Am" poem caught my eye ... as i was reading it i thought that a "You Are" poem would be awesome, too ... then i moved along to the previous post and saw the beginning of it there ... you could finish it, michelley
