Friday, January 10, 2014

Finish 'er Up Friday...

Oh my goodness, I almost completely missed this post!  There's only a half-hour left of Friday here in Minnesota, but here I am, just in the nick of time.

So, how did you do this week?  Did you work on any unfinished projects?  I made great progress on my 2013 Project Life this week!  Here's what I got done...

Unfinished Project:  2013 Project Life
Progress This week:  3.5 Spreads
Still to go: Title page, October 5 - 31, November 1 - 5 & 11 - 30.

(I apologize for the horrific photos)...

All of these are from December 16 - 30.  I didn't separate by week...

1st spread...

Left side detail...

Right side detail...

2nd Spread...

Left side detail...

Right side detail...

 3rd Spread...

Left side detail...

Right side detail...

And the back page for 2013...

December is done!  Yeayyy! 

If you have worked on any unfinished projects this week, link us up in the comments so we can cheer each other on!


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

YAY for Dec. being all caught up!! I loveeeeeeeeeeee all of these!! GORGEOUS!!!!!

anne g-i said...

very nice! i bet it feels good to be crossing off the unfinished items! i think i'm going to have to bring PL and only PL to our crop next weekend. See if I can power through a few months.

dawn said...

Way to go Michelle, these look great! Yours are so full of life and color and happiness!! Love seeing the deer, I know you do too.

I forgot about this too, sorry. Will try to remember and see if I get anything done. The kids had an extra 3 days off this week due to the artic cold and then I babysat so no time.

Crafty Lein* - enjoy creativity said...

Super cool!! I did not start such a project because of my busy schedule, but you are doing just fine with cathing time. It all looks so happy and cozy, enjoy!

With love from The Netherlands,