Friday, April 18, 2014

Finish 'er Up Friday - Making the Key to My Own Freedom...

Hi friends!  I'm still working on finishing up my Life Book 2013 lessons, and I'm making progress!  I have one more to share with you today...

Making Your Key to Freedom with Danita Art...

 Underneath the background we were to list all of the negative self-talk that holds us back in life. I loved the symbolism of covering that up with a girl holding her own key to get out of the cage she's in.  So fun and empowering!

On the left side of the page, we listed all of our good traits, things we love about ourselves.

If you are working on finishing some projects up, how is it coming?  Are you enjoying the process?  I'd love to hear about it in the comments!

Thanks so much for visiting today!  I wish you a happy weekend!!!


  1. I am making a real conscious effort in finishing things. After having to multi-task for so long it has been hard to stay focused on one thing at a time. Your post is great!

  2. This is gorgeous! I love love love that birdcage and the colors!!!!

  3. I am behind in my Journal52 but have not given up. Work unfortunately takes presidence lately. You inspire me to not give up that when the time comes i will get it all caught up.

  4. Thanks so much for your kind words everyone! Deanna and Diane - good luck on your projects! Feel free to link us up in the comments if you blog about them!

  5. Hi Michelle!! Love this so much, so neat what you wrote on each side. Beautiful page!!

    I need to get busy on some projects again. Seems my classes and ATC take up most of my time. I did post my April PL pages though, YAY!! I also just did last weeks pages but haven't posted them yet. Still need to do March's??!!

    Hope you had a wonderful weekend and Happy Easter! Spring was here today and it made me so happy to be outside with nature again. HUGS!
