Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Sketchbook Skool Rules!

I'm excited to share what I've been doing in Sketchbook Skool with you all!  I have been learning SO MUCH and having a great time doing it!

I've been through five of the six weeks so far, and I'm sad it's almost over.  When the next session starts (no date has been announced yet)  I will be there - I'm hooked!

I shared the first part of week one with you in this post.  Here's the third spread I did for week one with Danny Gregory...

In week two, we studied colored pencil with Koosje Koene...

In week three we worked on capturing the sky with Prashant Miranda...

and in week four, Jane LaFazio had us working on composition with a grid design...

I also decided it would be fun to do a line drawing portrait of each teacher, along with a page of notes from their class.  Here's how those turned out...

Each one of these teachers has inspired me so much with their unique style and outlook on their own sketchbooking practice.  It continues to be an amazing experience!

Thanks so much for visiting today my friends!  I wish you a wonderful week!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your drawings are AMAZING Michelle!!!!!!!! LOVE these!!!!!

  3. Hi Michelle, so happy to see you posted today, YAY!! My computer has been down, a big storm came by and now all I get is a red screen, not a good sign at all.

    Have missed you and thought about you this week, next month will make it 3 years since we met, YAY!! Time does fly.

    I am using the computer at the library, YUCK!! I don't have as much time now, skimmed through your posts and LOOOOOVE it all!! So glad your enjoying class and YIPPEE!! to retiring soon. That means more time for art, right??

    I just did a challenge on Instagram called ONE BOOK JULY. It was for those like you with lots of journals. The challenge was to use only one journal and only ONE pen for the month. Some didn't even make it past day 3 and some bent the rules to make it easier for them. I was ok with the one book but the one pen was hard.

    Hope your enjoying your summer and new house. So good to see your wonderful bright color art again.
    Take care and will try to check in once a week from library.

    Are you on instagram? Would be great if you were. I am on it all the time.


  4. Thanks so much for your kind words everyone! I really appreciate hearing from you!

    Dawn - I'm so sorry to hear about your computer troubles! That is no fun!

    I have an instagram account but don't use it. The One Book July challenge sounds fun! I don't understand how you would even find challenges on instagram, but would love to know more about it. Thank for stopping by my blog and wow 3 years! I'm so glad we met!

  5. I love seeing your work! I don't know what happened to my interest in the class? I love seeing what everyone draws! I could only get it on my iPad, so could download anything. I fi annoy got hooked ou, but feel I'm way to far behind! I will live through you and the other great artist;)
