Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Word is..... AGLOW

It's the 15th of the month and you know what that means....

It's time for the new One Little Word challenge!  This month's inspiration word is AGLOW!

Here's what I came up with...

I found this lyric from the song "Dance with You" by Live and it really spoke to me.  I used two of Jessica Sporn's stencils: Cascading Leaves and Rain.  The leaves became flames, and I made the girl from Rain fly by modifying the angle of her feet, and changing the way her dress lays against her legs on top.

Come on over and play along with us at One Little Word!  We'd love to see what you come up with for the word Aglow!  Click here to go to the challenge!

Happy Saturday everyone!


  1. This is amazing! I love love love the colors, the way she is flying and the quote!!!!!

  2. oh my goodness... I never imagined her flying. I LOVE how you used her! And the leaves as flames... AWESOME!

  3. WOWZA, Michelle! Your art work is absolutely awesome! This one is gorgeous, beautiful, and wonderful all at the same time! Thanks!!!!!

  4. those colors!! fabulous as usual.

  5. Thanks so much for your kind words everyone! Jessica - I'm so glad you like what I did with your stencils!

  6. MIchelle, this is a stunning use of stencils. I really *love* how you 'think outside the stencil :) you know what I mean? Gorgeous! Thanks for using our stencils.

  7. Thank you so much MaryBeth! Jessica's stencils really inspire me!

  8. Gorgeous! Love the bright colours!!
