Saturday, November 1, 2008

Oh My It's Early...

I was up at 7:47 this morning which is wayyyy too early, especially since I was up til 2:30 this morning playing in the scraproom and web-surfing. Just wanted to say hi before I head out to the thrift store.

I worked on my art journal assignment last night - so therapeutic. I love cutting pictures out of magazines. Have ever since I was a kid. Got lots of pics cut out, only one collage to show you.

Art Journaling - Phase Two - Adding a Focal Image:

That's it for now, but I will be back to show you what I find at the thrift store. I hope at a minimum to get some books to alter for Martha's "Altered Book Club" class. Wish me luck!

I will leave you with my latest pic of the boys in the scraproom. It's nice to have friends isn't it?
Til later my friends!


  1. I can't wait to see what that turns into.......

  2. I am really looking forward to seeing your thrift store finds and what you make of them...
    My daughter is happy every time you post pics of your cats... her words "look dat cute kitty...oooh two kitties"

  3. cute kitties and love the art journal pages...

  4. Lovin' the art journal page!! Love that bright orange!!!
