Saturday, November 1, 2008

Thrifting Extravaganza!!!

I think it is safe to say that today was my BEST thrifting experience EVER! Wowza - look at what I found:
Johnny is eyeing up the tulle (he knows he's not supposed to chew on it, but it's very hard to resist)...
I needed some tulle for my altered book class and they had these spools for $.50 each! Can you believe it? I bought all of them! HA!
I got seven books to alter! I found these awesome old illustrated classics! Yeay!
Plus a ton of other fun stuff! I plan to share a little sampling of my vintage goodies, so watch for a RAK coming up soon! Now I get the fun task of organizing it all. Yeay! I'm so excited!

So in other news - the November Crop Suey kits go on sale today! Be sure to stop by over there and check them out - they are fabulous of course!

The new Scrapping Across The Universe challenge is up too!

And you still have the rest of today to get your "I'm Yours" layouts in at Scrapping The Music!

Now I am off to put away my new stuff, and then start working on my Project Catwalk challenge. Bring on the caffeine!

I will check in with you all tomorrow! Have a wonderful Saturday!


  1. Good for you! Too cool! I haven't thrifted in a few weeks and am going through a terrible withdrawl, lol.

  2. UMMM WOW .. that is all I can say..we need to shop together so I know how to shop like that .. now that is Vintage lol, I was just saying in my video how folks want to act like stuff is vintage by spilling coffee on it and crushing the papers LOLOL

  3. Great stack of vintage goodies!! Congrats. Looks like lots of great creativeness will come out of that pile! :0)

  4. Wow! Look at all of those vintage finds...what a great day of thrifting you had :)

  5. Oh wow Michelle just love your stash of goodies there.
