Friday, July 17, 2009


I can't believe it's Friday already! Woah. I know I need to quit commenting on the quick passage of time, but I am truly continuously amazed by it. HA.

So, I've been in a phase lately of jumping around to different projects - trying this and that - and I absolutely LOVE it. I'm learning so much in my art journal class, and I am loving having the freedom to do a bunch of challenges. It seems I usually am up to my ears in swaps and other commitments, so I don't have time, but lately that hasn't been the case. Yeayyyyyyy!!!!! Challenges are one of my favorite things in the creative world, because they always get me to stretch my horizons. Sometimes just a little and sometimes ALOT. But it's always inspiring.

Tonight I created this layout for the current Lotus Paperie sketch challenge. It is a 6 x 12, and I turned it on it's ear and changed it up a little bit. I also decided to tackle the current technique prompt at The Next Step, which is stitching on a layout. I used the June Studio Calico kit...

Along with the kit, I used my fave Jenni Bowlin black patterned paper, embroidery floss, a Stampin Up "moments" stamp and MM gingham ribbon. (click on the image to see more detail).

Tonight it's time to prepare for tomorrow's crop-a-ganza! Yeayyyyy! How are your weekend plans shaping up? Do you have any creative time carved out?


  1. ah- such a sweet card- I love this very much!

  2. Love, love, love this Michelle! The stitching is amazing! (I love the little red embroidery on the top edge!!! ) That pic is precious! Thanks for playing with us at Lotus Paperie! Have a great weekend my friend!

  3. LOVE the card, Michelle! Yes, I'd love to get some scrappy stuff done this weekend - hopefully I'll be able to!

  4. Great layout! LOVE the paper combos.
