Thursday, July 16, 2009

Works In Progress...

Hidey ho and happy Thursday! I've been working in my art journal again and altho I don't have any more finished pages, I thought it would be fun to share how the pages are coming along. They are just a bunch of messy experiments at this point - but that's what art journals are for, right? So as I build layer by layer, here's some examples of what I've got so far (remember to click on the image to see them close up)...

Later, when they are done I will share again. I've been having so much fun painting on all of these different surfaces that I collected in this journal. Brochures, paper bags, file folders, along with actual watercolor paper mixed in here and there.

There was a sale tonight at Michaels, so I picked up a big pad of watercolor paper and a jug of magenta paint for 40% off!!! Yeayyyy!!!

The other thing I did tonight was start printing off current challenges from various challenge blogs to work on this weekend at my crop. So far I have seven different ones. Now what I think I will do is go drift off to sleep while visions of layout possibilities dance in my head. HA. Do you ever do that? I find that sometimes if I go to sleep thinking about layouts, I wake up with new designs in my head - almost like magic!

Thanks for stopping by my friends and I will see you tomorrow with another update. Wow, it's almost Friday!


  1. Thanks for sharing this "pages in progress" Michelle... it's fun to look at how others work on Art Journals!!! And about dreaming of lo's - yes, I do that and it IS magical!!!

  2. Yes, I do dream about LO's sometimes. :)....And I love the progress on your journal - LOVE those blue flowers and the circles!!

  3. Beautiful pages, your blog always makes me smile at your creativity, while Im on a scrappy hiatus!
