Saturday, September 27, 2008

Here Comes The Sun...

OMG I had so much fun with the ScrapMojo Challenge! What an interesting and unique challenge blog! This was my first time trying it, but it won't be the last! This week's challenge is to take inspiration from Cirque de Soleil (of all things!). I've never been to a Cirque show, but I surfed around on their website and found so much inspiration it was incredible! Each of their shows looks so unique! The colors! The music! WOW! Now I want to go to a show! Anyway, I finally settled on "LOVE", which is based on Beatles songs. The main website for the show is super groovy and the music just made me happy! Check it out here. This is what I came up with:

The citrusy colors and swirls are highly inspired by the webpage.

I shaded the title letters with oil crayons which I blended with my fingers - wanted to give them a sun-ray effect. Everything on the layout is from the September Crop Suey kit, except for the plain colored cardstock and the black thickers.

So far with my kit I have made a mini album and three layouts - and I still have plenty of stuff left!

It was another happy mail day today! I got my September StylePhyle kit from SiStv and it's super cute! It's called "Homecoming 48" and it's got cute stuff in there like vintage red and gold glass glitter and stars and little swatches of fabric!

Oh, and speaking of SiSTV, they just got the new Sassafras Lass and Hambly lines in and they are 10% off this weekend! I absolutely have to resist because I'm BROKE, but if you are in better financial shape than me head on over and check out the cuteness! Click here or on the SiSTV widget in the right-hand column to get to the boutique.

Okay, what else? Hmmm. Oh, we finally got to watch the season-opener of Criminal Minds tonight. The full episode is available online now. It was an edge-of-your-seat episode! If you missed it and want to check it out click here.

Now I'm going to clean up my mess in my scraproom while I plan out my next project in my head. I'm doing my friend Bree's decades ATC swap. The first month is the 60's. I'm thinkin' maybe something about Woodstock...

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


  1. loving the bright colours Michelle.

  2. love that page - it really reminds me of the peter max art. but maybe you're not old enough to remember that! great job!

  3. Wow!!!! What an awesome page!!!!
    Great job!!

  4. LOvE this Michelle. Those alphas are really cool. I like how did make it look like sun rays.
