Friday, September 26, 2008

Pondering the Process of Creativity

It's Friday YEAY!!! Of course I say yeay about every day cuz really, there's always something to look forward to! But Fridays are extra special cuz it means the weekend is coming and that usually means I have more time to CREATE! So how are you all doing today? What are you creating?
Look what my friend Bree has been creating! She MADE this bracelet for my birthday! I got it in the mail yesterday from her - Isn't it gorgeous?! It's so unique I absolutely love it!!! The blonde wood, and the different colors and patterns and the little critters on it - so fun!!! Thank you Bree - you are wonderful!
I am excited tonight cuz I just signed up for Art Journaling with Dina Wakely! Renee and I are taking this class together and it looks like so much fun! It starts on October 20th, but the forums are already open, so I spent some time in there tonight setting up my profile, looking at the class supply list and posting on the message boards. If you are interested in art journaling, come on over and join in!

Do you ever have times when you think you want to create something - you have a vision in your head, but you keep putting off starting in on it? I've been like that the last couple of days. I want to participate in the Scrapmojo challenge this week, and I had this great idea for it, but I could NOT get myself to start in on it. Then I realized the idea's time is not here yet. It's a good idea, but I'm just not in the place to execute it right now. Maybe that sounds weird, but it makes sense to me. The idea I had was dark and magical and mystical. But right now I'm feeling bright, and colorful and playful! That's why I can't get into it! Sometimes you just have to recognize these things and move on. So that's what I did. I moved on to a new idea and now I'm REALLY EXCITED about my new project! I'm just in the sketching stage, so I won't finish tonight, but as soon as I do I will post it. Oh, and P.S. Crop Suey is sponsoring the challenge this week, so it's your chance to win one of their fabulous kits! Come on over and play along!

Isn't creativity funny? I realized earlier this year that I don't really have that much control over what I create. I mean it's like it's there inside me waiting to come out and I just have to let whatever is in there flow. The less I try to control it the better it turns out. I guess that's what they mean when they say it's about the process, not the outcome.

Alrighty then - I'm off to work on my layout a little more and then head to bed. Sweet dreams everyone!


  1. I'd love to see you do something DARk MagICAL!

    That Chop Suey kit rocks! You are so lucky.

  2. i know what you mean about the creativity. it seems like lots of times for me, if i just get started, then the page just sort of comes together organically. sounds weird, but i think it's kinda like what you mentioned! angie from SIS

  3. Love the bracelet! I completely agree with you but I could never explain it that well.


  4. I love that bracelet!!!!! What a wonderful, crafty gift from your friend. I am going to have to check out Scrapmojo!!!

  5. that bracelet is so pretty. what a great friend you have. there are so many challenges i want to try and scrapmojo is definitely one of them.

    have fun creating this weekend. can't wait to see what you create.
