Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Very Long Post Cuz I'm Feeling Very Chatty...

Okay so the season-opener for Criminal Minds was tonight, and Michael and I taped it so we could watch it together. And then it didn't tape because the show was interrupted by Bush's speech - AARGH!!!!! It's our favorite show! We watched the first half and then the tape stopped. It's enough to drive a person bonkers! I hope it's available online soon!

Okay, I just had to get that off my chest - now on to better news...
The final rankings came out for Project Catwalk @ SiSTV and I ended up in Fifth Place! Yeay! The top 25 get to go on to the final elimination rounds which will start next week. I am so nervous and excited at the same time! This ten-week challenge has been an incredible experience. I have never been stretched so much creatively in such a short period of time. Here's an overview of the challenges:

Week one: Use items from a grocery store on your layout. I used a coffee filter for the earth and pieces of a mop for the stitching.
Week Two: Make a card and matching envelope with newspaper and the color green.
Week Three: Make a 12 x 12 layout with a picture of you that shows who you are as an artist.
Week Four: Make a mini-album with the color scheme red, white and blue.
Week Five: Make a wall-hanging using denim as the main ingredient.

Week Six: Make a layout using very few supplies, but still creating a dramatic impact.Week Seven: Make a layout using texture in new ways. This one was a weekly winner!
Week Eight: Create a project that represents the style and aesthetic of SiSTV. I'm so sorry you have to crane your neck to see this one. For the life of me, I can't seem to get it to load right. Aargh!
Week Nine: Use something in a way it wasn't intended. I used my cat grooming mit to stamp the background, and wound my cats hair into yarn to stitch on the side of the page. This one was extra fun to do!
Week Ten: A fitting end to the ten weeks. Scraplift a fellow contestant's project from one of the previous weeks of Project Catwalk. I chose to lift my friend Kim's Happy Box. This one was a weekly winner too!
I know I have posted each of these projects before, but it feels great to see them all together like this. Makes me realize just how much I have learned! I can't wait to see what they have in store for us next!

Okay, so in other news, I got another one of my orders for my kawaii swap today. Two more orders to go and I will be ready to pack up my box of kawaii goodness for my swap partner Renee (who also happens to be my sister!) I can't wait to send you the box of goodies Renee!

I also got my October Crop Suey kit in the mail today and let me tell you it is FABULOUS! Wow! I can't wait to start creating - I wish I could show you pics, but it's a SECRET for now! Keep watching the Crop Suey blog tho - I heard something about a sneak peek tomorrow!

One last thing. I finished my yo yo's for the yo yo swap at SiS. It was my first attempt at yo yo making and it was fun! Here they are:
I can't wait to get all the different yo yos back! They are going to make great additions to layouts! Yeay!!!

Well, that's about it for now. Take care everyone and I will chat at ya soon! Happy scrapping!


  1. ongratulations! love the layouts.

    i love the yo-yos too. i'm gonna have to learn to make them.

  2. Awesome post! Loved seeing all of your projects together! You do fabulous work. cant wait to see what you do with the Oct Kit!

  3. love the yo yos and lookin at your projects. keep crafty!!

  4. I LOVE those layouts and projects. You are so talented! I'm sure SIS will pick you-those are fabulous (insert inflection in voice)!
    I'm adding your blog to my list of favorite blogs!
    tootles, d.

  5. wow! those projects are amazing! it looks like you had fun too:)

  6. congrats.
    those are such lively, happy creations. that envelope with the car-d, awesome!

  7. Yay!! Top 25!!! :):) I am so excited to see what happens in the next four weeks. :)
    I got my October kit yesterday, too. I am so excited to get started making goodies. :)
