Sunday, September 21, 2008

Project Catwalk Week Ten

The challenge this week for Project Catwalk at SiSTV was to scraplift another contestant's project from one of the last ten weeks of the challenge! What a great way to end the ten weeks - by honoring another scrapper's awesome work! I chose to scraplift my friend Kim's Happy Box. She made a fun, bright, happy box to put everyday things in that make her smile. I love that concept!
When I was a kid I absolutely LOVED the Pippi Longstocking books! I thought she was so cool because she was a strong independent girl, who lived all by herself with her pet monkey! Her favorite pastime was "thing-finding," which consists of going for walks and looking for "things." Pretty rocks, pieces of car parts, pretty marbles, bits of twine - whatever she could find that seemed interesting. She would pick them up and take them home. Ever since I read those books I've been a thing-finder! Now that I scrapbook, it's great because I can put my "things" on my pages! So the long and short of it is - I made myself a "thing-finding" box to store my "things!"

I used the new Social Butterfly collection from SiStv, plus a picture of our daily walk path (where I do a lot of my thing-finding), an orange Izze Soda Carton, and a book illustration of Pippi. On the sides of the box I put a Pippi quote - "When you're a thing-finder, you don't have a minute to spare."

Now I'm inspired to go find some things to put in it!


  1. i saw this kit on someone elses post and i love it. gonna check it out.

    your layouts and projects are great!
