Friday, September 19, 2008

Signs of Fall...

We are starting to see signs of fall on our daily walks now. Who could look at the beautiful colors in these leaves and not be inspired?!!! I just love autumn, and I'm so excited to see all the trees when they get to their peak colors - it's one of the highlights of my year!!! I'm not in a rush tho - just so we're clear about that. I will hang on to summer for as long as possible, but it's great to have these little peaks of what lies ahead.
Great news! I got my first Crop Suey kit in the mail yesterday and it is even more fabulous in real life than I could have imagined! So much fun in one package! It's called "Over The Rainbow." Take a look!

I am just in LOVE with all that fun Sasafrass Lass paper! and the woodgrain contact and hambly papers are the perfect accent! Oh, and those CUTE Pink Persimmon stamps with the little frogs and mushrooms! How awesome! Oh, and see that cute paper with the green and turquoise forest critters up at the top of the picture - next to the alphas? That is Crop Suey original paper! I'm going to a 12-hour crop session with my friend Christina tomorrow and I'm going to be in "Over the Rainbow" heaven! Look for some pics of my Crop Suey creations in the near future.

Okay, I'm going to get going now - I must prepare for my crop! Oh hey - check out SiSTV at midnight tonight - they are having a special sale on their new vintage kits! It looks like they've got some really unique finds, and the price is right - starting at only $5 for a kit! Click on the SiSTV Widget in the right column and it will take you to the boutique!

Happy Friday everyone! Much love and creativity to you all!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh yummy stuf fthere Michelle. Have fun with the sass lass papers. I have some here and they are scrummy.
