Saturday, May 30, 2009

Circle Journal Cover...

I finished my Circle Journal cover - yeayyyy!!! I had so much fun with this! My theme is "scrap a song lyric and include a photo of yourself." I decided to title the journal "Self-Portraits in Song," It's made from the record album cover that came in my SiStv Homebody collection, cut down to 9 1/2" x 8 3/4." Here's the front...After glueing on some sheet music, I used spray ink and purple acrylic to muddy the background a little bit. I wanted it to still show but allow the bird to stand out. The bird is painted with acrylic and outlined with a black sharpie. His telephone wire is made from dictionary paper. The title is painted and outlined as well.

Here's the inside front cover. I used the latest technique challenge from The Next Step, which is to use charcoal for highlighting. It's very subtle, but I charcoaled around the edge of the sheet music...
and I also charcoaled around the scallops on the inside of the back cover. I like the effect. It gives it a little extra whimsy...

and here's the back cover, which is also the back of the record album...

I still have to add a middle ring (I only had two handy), but other than that it is done!

So, I'm SLIGHTLY behind on my goal of completing all 7 Circle Journal layouts this week - I've only done one plus this cover. LOL. I've still got the rest of the weekend tho, so we shall see...

I'm so excited to get my Studio Calico kits I can hardly stand it! Happy mail is so much fun!

I'll be back tomorrow with another update - hopefully more circle journal layouts!

Take care and thanks for stopping by!


  1. I LOVE it! The bird is to die for!

  2. O-H M-Y G-O-O-D-N-E-S-S!!

    This is sooooooo totally gorgeous! I love your ideas!!! Super talent Michelle!!

  3. I'm in love with the "album record cover...." don't have that kit but defenitely will use (scan? print?) something like this soon. Like you, I'm into music" and with this you inspire me again! (but you do with everything you show... my mind gets creative as soon as I look at your work!) Have a great weekend my friend!

  4. Ok, how talented are you??? (I saw over at the Next Step that you used the charcoal pencil so I came to check you out.) That album turned into a cover is a great idea! Love the charcoal does make it pop! It's great "meeting" you and I look forward to seeing more of your work! :)

  5. What an amazing idea for an album, Michelle!! Love your shading, charcoal pencils are one of my faves!! And the sheet music scallops are adorable - I think I need to lift that idea! ;)

  6. I love it. The bird is adorable. Can't wait to see what people send you. Good luck with finishing 7 pages this weekend. I did one canvas and I think I am D.O.N.E!

  7. Michelle I love your circle journal cover!!!! That is great!!! It makes me want to go hit the thrift store for some album covers!! :) :)

  8. I love your cover!
    I've never done a circle journal before, but would like to at some point. This makes me wish I was in yours!!! :)

  9. Oh oh oh this is so cool.... I love the multi techniques used. so fun and creative. Be happy!

  10. i love that idea for your circle journal! might have to lift that if ya don't mind

  11. Beautiful album. That bird is awesome and so is your scallop text. Great job!
