Friday, May 29, 2009

Miscellaneous Rambling...

Diane B asked where I got the Rheotech paints. Thanks for the question Diane! I got them at a local art store called Art Materials. Here's a link to their online shop. You can also go directly to the Rheotech site to find out where to buy them near you. If anyone tries them, I'd love to know what you think!

I've been playing in my scraproom all night and it's been really freeing. I am working on the cover for my circle journal for sisversary - just playing and going with my gut which always makes me the happiest! I finished the front of the cover, but I want to wait til it's all done to share. My theme is "scrap a song lyric and include a photo of yourself." More to come on that.

I just found out tonight that Dina Wakely is doing another art journal class - HOORAY!!! It's called "Art Journaling 201 - A Masterful Journey." I have taken two of Dina's art journaling classes already and each one was amazing. You can read more about it at Dina's blog here.

Life is so inspiring right now I just can't even believe it. It's like there just aren't enough hours in the day. Here it is 12:30 a.m. and if I didn't have to get up and go to work in the morning I swear I could stay up all night scrapping! There's something so magical about night time for me.

But - the days are magical too, and if I want to enjoy them, I guess I need to get my sleep. I used to always wish I could just have a windup key so I didn't have to sleep - LOL. I wouldn't go that far anymore. Sleep is a lovely thing.

So that's it for today - I think this is the first post without a photo. It feels weird. I am such a visual person it doesn't feel complete if I don't have a photo. Well, I will make up for it tomorrow with at least two photos. Ha.

Have a wonderful Friday my scrappy friends - thanks for stopping by!


  1. I'm a Dina Wakley fan too! I keep eyeing her classes, sounds like it might be time to sign up!

  2. You may not put a photo in this post - your link to Dina's blog made that forgivable!!! Don't know if I take that class, but it sure looked inspirable!!! Can't wait to see what YOU are going to make! (and maybe, just maybe, I'll join in...)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I wish I could have stayed up working last night. I have a collage I have to finish for Saturday evening and the procrastinator has put it off. All my materials are cut and waiting for me, but by the time my 4 year old is down, I just want to go to sleep too since I have to teach the next day. Friday night just can't come soon enough.

  5. Teehee Michelle....I cant blog without pictures! I need heaps of visual support lol!
    If you find that wind-up key, post it forward....I could do without sleeping too!!

  6. Love that you are in such a creative mood :) And I will be definetly in for Dina's class :)
