Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Project 365 - Week 36 and Willie and Johnny Live...

I ran out of yellow ink and photo paper this weekend - GASP! And I had planned on scrapping all weekend! Oh well - luckily Office Depot delivers quickly. Should have more supplies by later today...

In the meantime, here's the past week in photos...

Monday, August 31: Michael's birthday. We forgot to take a picture today, so here's a picture of him as a kid - isn't he cute?!
Wednesday, September 2: Project 52 creation...

Thursday, September 3: I was in Duluth for work. It's such a pretty town. That is Lake Superior in the background...

Friday, September 4: Full moon as seen from our front yard...

Sunday, September 6: Johnny relaxing in the scraproom with one of his favorite mice...
and Willie relaxing on the bed...

until Dad brings home new catnip toys...

Check out Johnny and Willie live as they try out their new toys...

I know I'm bias, but I sure think they are cuties. :0) That's the first movie I've taken with my new little Canon camera. It was fun!

Anyhoo, that's it for today. Can't wait to get my ink and paper - oh, and also my new planner comes today - yahoo!

See you tomorrow for another update - thanks SOOOOO much for stopping by!


  1. they are too cute- love the video and photos!

  2. It's fun to watch them live and even more fun to hear your voice...!!! You're ALL cute!!!

  3. Love your video - I keep Hana's mice in a plastic container filled with catnip and get out nipped mice for her and put the played-with ones back in for another dose. Don't you just love to watch cats play! thanks for sharing the video - and it was cool to hear your voice.

  4. How can Michelle run out of YELLOW anything???? I think that's like an oxymoron, right??? LOL!!! Just playin' with ya girl....U know I always am envious of your use of bright colors...I sooooooooooooo wish I could so that...then I doubt myself!!! LOL!!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the photos, that one of Michael as a kid is toooooooooooooooo cute!!!! And loving the video....that is what I miss most about my "kitty kids" them playing with the catnip....always soooooooooooooo FUN! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  5. That video of your boys is soooo cute!!! I'll have to try this!! Did you just upload it to youtube or how did you embed the link? I liked hearing your voice too, now I can put a voice to the face!

  6. awwww awesome pics and cute card!

  7. Way too cute! Love the pic w/ Willie in the blanket!

  8. They are so cute!!! That journal is awesome!

  9. Keep London company, PM bathroom break before bed

  10. Wow..stunning photo's!And you've got such cute cats!Great video!Love your work for project 52!That flower is amazing!Your blog is soo cool!
