Monday, September 7, 2009

A Special Week at Scrapping The Music, and another Art Journal Assignment...

It's a very special week at Scrapping The Music! The featured song is "Wake Me Up When September Ends" by Green Day. The song is a tribute to our friend and fellow Design Team Member Aleida Franklin, who you may remember was tragically killed in a car accident in September of 2008. It's hard to believe it's been a year already. Anyways, Julie Tucker-Wolek came up with the idea of honoring Aleida with this song, and the rest of us loved it. Here is how my layout turned out...

The small journaling under the picture says: Aleida Franklin. 1967 - 2008. Forever part of the scrapping world.

I used the August Studio Calico kit for this layout. Come on over and play along with us!

Next, I want to share with you another project from Dina Wakely's "Masterful Art Journaling" class. I just finished this yesterday, and I must say that Dina's assignments always make me think. I love that. This one is inspired by Van Gogh's search for his calling in life. The assignment was to do a page on where you are in finding your calling in life. Here's how mine turned out (click to see more details)...

I used acrylic paint, orange happy tape, and a black and white sharpie. The photo is of my hand. (I mean - obviously it's my hand, as opposed to my foot or something. I just said that in case you thought it was a magazine photo or something. LOL)

The journaling reads:
"I've always known I was meant to do something creative with my life. As I got older, there was a spiritual connection to art that grew within me. For a period of about ten years, it all lay dormant while I worked to make sense of my life, but I always knew it was there, waiting. Now, I'm on my path again, and I wake up each day, excited to see what's next."

So that's it for now. It's early Monday morning, and I think I will see if there is something good on tv to keep me company while I start another project.

Have a wonderful Monday everyone! I will be back tomorrow with a Project 365 update!


  1. your Green Day layout as a tribute for Aleida is wonderful - I love it! Also your journal page. gorgeous colors!

  2. Gorgous journaling page again Michelle! Love the pink colour, and love the photo of your hand! (can you paint with your foot??? teehee - would make a nice photo too!)

  3. Both are so beautiful and moving. What a lovely tribute. You have such a way with color and journaling - looks like Dina's class is awesome!

  4. Soooooooooooooooooooo beautiful Michelle!!!! Thank you soooooooooooooo much for your support in my song suggestion!!! Love ya! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  5. I love the new journal pages! So awesome, girl!

  6. WOW what an awesome tribute to her .. Aleida was asweetheart

    Love your take girl ..

  7. It is such a lovely art journal page, I love it!

  8. I never knew Aleida but your tribute idea and LO is just wonderful.

  9. Aleida was a wonderful person-great tribute and I love your Dina creation too...can you email where you find a white sharpie? Or send me a link to what it looks like?


