Saturday, November 7, 2009

Beetles, Birthdays, and More...

How is your weekend going? Mine is going FAST! Went to look at New Beetles today, as my lease expires early next year... Can't decide on a new color...

Heaven blue?

Salsa Red?

Sunflower Yellow?

or maybe even Harvest Moon Beige?

My first choice was the heaven blue, but when I saw it in person, it doesn't look nearly as blue as in the picture. It's more of a silver color. I wish they still made ORANGE! Hmmmm.... I've got time to think about it.

Becca and Stevie were over for dinner tonite to celebrate both of their birthdays - Stevie turned 18 today, and Becca turned 20 on Wednesday! Here's a pic with the "double cake" Michael made for them. I may be bias, but I sure think they are adorable!
Here's the card I made for Stevie (I totally forgot to take a picture of the one I made for Becca -- drat)...

So, now they are off for the rest of their night's activities; Michael is working on his computer, and I am settling in for an evening of creating. First thing I did was the APAD Prompt for today...
If you click on the image you will see its a pic of some geese parading across a parking lot - that's my car they are in front of. It sure made me smile.

Oh, I also finished my "R is for Reading" page last night. This is for my "A Year In the Life of an Art Journal" project...
I used to love to read so much! Especially mysteries! I started with Nancy Drew and Trixie Belden stories when I was a kid. As I got older my favorites were Mary Higgins Clark and Stephen King! WOW, I hated to see his books end! Oh, and Harry Potter too! But something weird happened when I went through my divorce. I was in the middle of a Harry Potter book when it happened... I lost all ability to focus on reading. I guess I had too much else on my mind; but I never got it back. I've tried to read books and I just can't seem to concentrate on them. I still hope that it will come back at some point. Anyhoo, that is what this page is about. The quote around the edge reads:

"The best moments in reading are when you come across something - a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things - which you had thought unique to you. Now here it is, set down by someone else... and it is as if a hand has come out and taken yours." ~Alan Bennett

I find that quote applies to lyrics too! But I digress...

Okay, I'm off to work on a Scrapping The Music layout for an upcoming challenge. Wish me luck, and come on back tomorrow for another update! Thanks so much for visiting and for your comments - I really appreciate them!


  1. THIS IS PERFECTION!! I love what you did, and I feel the same way!! Totally miss reading like I used to.

  2. Happy Birthday to the kids!!! loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that photo....and love love love love that geese photo!!! toooooooooooooooooooooo CUTE!!!!!! and ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sorry my friend....i soooooooooooooo can NOT see U in the beige am thinking yellow for your SUNNY PERSONALITY! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. happy birthdays!!!
    Love the cake!! Thats a great thing to scrap about...I can understand how you feel about reading!! ooooh and I love love love your 'a prompt a day' for the 6th...that is totally adorable!!

  4. Love the cake and your page - that's interesting about the reading thing. I have always read a lot, and after we were through the hurricanes with all the damage and stress, I couldn't read for a while - my eyes would just not work for reading - so weird - so I began to knit. There was no room in the tiny trailer by our house for scrapping or painting. On the car, no way are you beige - gotta go with the red or yellow!!!!! have a great week!

  5. Happy birthdays!!They look sure cute!Love the card you made and all the art journals are amazing!
    I would go for the yellow beetle!!!
    Love beetles!!i am very jealous!!!

  6. Freakin' fantastic dear!!! The reading art journal page is totally up my alley! LOVE IT!!! (do I keep repeading myself here?)
