Saturday, November 7, 2009

November 6th Art Journal Page...

I've been multi-tasking like crazy tonite and I love it! I finished a birthday card for our son Stevie - who turns 18 today! (I will share that tomorrow), and I am 2/3 done with my "R" page for "A Year In The Life of an Art Journal." I'm letting some paint dry on it. That will be done for tomorrow's post too.

I finished my November 6th page for "A Prompt A Day." Here's how it turned out...

My Studio Calico "Marketplace" kit arrived today and it is like WOW gorgeous! One of my favorite things in the kit is some beautiful wood veneer. It's so pretty - I think I will make some of it into a cover for a mini-album. What fun!

Okey dokey - I am off to hit the hay and catch a few zzzzz's. I hope your Saturday is Stupendous! I will be back tomorrow with another update. Take care and thanks for visiting my blog!


  1. Aaah, you're into the groove friend! LOVE this page as well... have a very happy and creative and loving weekend!

  2. Love your latest art journals you are so rockin the Art!!Happy creating!

  3. You are so inspiring - just love your art journals and the new page is really stunning. I always like your journaling style - both the words and the visuals. Have a great weekend!
