Friday, February 19, 2010

More Letting it Loose...

The fifth lesson in Marit's "Let It Loose" class was all about handwriting. I decided to just experiment and play - I filled the entire page with lyrics that I love. It's messy and imperfect, and things don't all fit exactly right, but I love how it turned out! It's totally me, and that's what art journaling is supposed to be about, right? Anyhoo, here it is...

I'm sure I could fill volumes of books with page like these - I have soooooo many lyrics I love. But I think it's kind of an interesting experiment to see which ones came to me off the top of my head on this exact day. Hmmm... It might be fun to do a page like this every so often and see how the lyrics choices change.

I'm so glad it's Friday! I want to do nothing all weekend but scrap, journal and organize. I am hoping for lots of inspiration and energy!!!

How about you? Will you be doing any creating this weekend? I'd love to hear about what projects you are working on!

Have a great Friday my friends, and I will be back tomorrow with another update!!! Thanks for visiting!!!


  1. Your page is fabulous Michelle! And yes, it would be fun to do this once in a while to see what comes up... I guess your "mood of the day" will show?! Have a relaxed and creative weekend dear! (I'm planning to! Lots of pieces laying around - drying - ready to make lots of things... aah! Can't wait to start!)

  2. Wow have just checked out your blog from scrapping the music. You have a really unique, vibrant and colourful style. I love it!

  3. You always have such creative handwriting on your LOs - I was very curious to see what you did with this lesson. This is cool! Very fun, lively, and a reflection of who you are - awesome!!!

  4. How fun. Hope you have a fun creatively productive weekend. I think I really need to fold some a serious amount of laundry. Maybe I will do it and reward myself by finishing some pages.

  5. i'm soooooooooooooooooooo hoping i get time to create this weekend.....but tomorrow is adam's 13th birthday ... so we are doing some fun stuff...and u NEVER know....he just might take over my blog (like miss brookie does from time to!) in celebration of his birthday!! lol!! LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE that page Michelle....I am ALWAYS in AWE of your handwriting (obviously...since I had U help me with a title for a lo in June!! LOL!!!!) :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  6. Creating all weekend sounds like the perfect plan:) Fantastic page!

  7. Love this page. It's really funky.

  8. Michelle, your journal is beautiful! I hope your weekend is super-productive and wonderful. I, on the other hand, might actually take a break from the productivity from last week. Haha!

  9. WOW Michelle, this page is stunning!!!
    LOVE the bold colors and your handwriting is soooooo beautiful!!
    Still haven't finished my page...


  10. Great page! I love creating pages like this and experimenting with lettering. It looks great too!
