Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tapes and Layouts...

If you like patterned packing tape, check out what you can get at Michael's right now for only $1.00 a roll...How awesome is that? FYI it's actually clear tape, not white. I think it will be great for putting in my journals!

The new challenge at the Fave Things blog is to scrap your favorite memory! The possibilities for this one are endless! I got to thinking about all the different awesome memories I have, and decided that what makes me happiest to think about right now is the everyday life ones, you know? So, here's what I came up with...
I used the new "Bakers Dozen" kit from Studio Calico for this one. To check out the challenge, head on over to the Fave Things blog! There are TWO prizes up for grabs this time!!!

Last night I finished my second layout for "The Street Where You Live." This one is about our entryway...
I just used miscellaneous goodies from my stash for this one. The new lesson for this class will be up on the 25th. If you want to check it out click here or on the widget in the sidebar. It's completely free and it goes all year - what could be a better deal than that???!!!

Oh, and also - the new prompt is up at the Artful Amblings Blog! Check it out here or by clicking the red "Year in The Life" widget in the sidebar.

I think that's it for today! Have a great Tuesday and I will be back tomorrow with another update. Thanks for visiting!!!


  1. I love your colourful entry and I will never forget YOU were the one who "talked me into orange"!!! I'm still grateful for that, you know!

  2. so love love love love love your fave memory lo and omygosh...i am in love with your entryway....your shoes just rock too!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. great pages!
    happy tape is the best!

  4. I was at Michael's Saturday and didn't see that so you've convinced me I HAVE to go back to check for it (*wink*). Fab work as always!

  5. I like your pages. Love the door mat ,who wouldn't feel welcomed going into a home like that.

  6. I bought some of that tape too -- isn't is gorgeous! I really need to put it to good use.
    I'll have to check out this class -- sounds fun! Also, I totally love your layout for this week's fave things layout -- great idea!

  7. I love your layouts!! So beautiful... and on that second one...is that your handwriting?? It is gorgeous!! Love, Jess

  8. I am super jealous! The Michaels out here didn't have those tapes. Wah.
