Friday, July 16, 2010

Mom's In Town, Thrift Store Treasures and Two Layouts...

Hey everyone! How's it going? I can't believe it's been almost a week since I blogged! My schedule's a little different this week cuz my mom's in town and we've been having fun! Wednesday we went to the thrift shop and look at the treasures I found! Even Willie can hardly believe it...
The Boy's Life magazine is from 1965 and full of awesome photos and images. The cover alone is priceless if you ask me! And how about the mod lady hanger??? I have to figure out what to do with her. I'm thinking maybe she could be a ribbon hanger??? She's definitely going up somewhere in the scraproom. Oh, and that little orange checkbook cover is so intensely orange in real life I just could not pass it up!!! I think it will make a great mini or journal of some sort, don't you????

I've got a couple of layouts that I'm excited to share with you! The first one is for the current challenge at Scrapping The Music. The featured song is "Santa Cruz," by one of my ALL TIME FAVE bands - Pearl Jam...
I took that photo from the car window when Michael and I were driving the PCH. I thought the lyric fit perfectly. My favorite part of this layout was gluing the sequins on individually - LOL.

Come on over to Scrapping The Music and play along with us - we have a fabulous prize this week!!! Click here to hear the song and play along with the challenge.

Next up is the current challenge at the Fave Things blog. Scrap your favorite website or blog! Now that was a hard one for me because I have SOOOOO many favorite websites and blogs! I decided to narrow it down by picking the two challenge blogs that are closest to my heart: Scrapping The Music and Fave Things!
The little photos are of all my girlfriends that are on the two design teams. I put Julie, Jeanet, and me in the middle because we are on both teams. I love these women all so much! And I LOVE sharing inspiration with each other and also with the participants of our challenges!

Come on over to Fave Things and share your Fave Website with us! Click here to go directly to the challenge!

Here are a few thing that are inspiring me right now:

Happy Birthday to my gorgeous and talented friend Georgia! I love her birthday layout!

I love Jodi's ideas for album topics. Especially the Big Things book

How cute is this ribbon holder by Michelle?

New stamps and rubons by Studio Calico. My fave are the woodgrain birdies!

Teesha continues to inspire

Alrighty, that's all for today! I hope you are having a groovy weekend and I will see you again soon! Thanks so much for visiting!


  1. I LOVE your layouts!!! Especially the one of Fave Things and STM!!! So beautiful:) And glad you are having fun with your mom!

  2. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy for Mama's visit!!! LOVING what you found at the thrift store and love love love love love your lo's!!! YOUR fave things one just makes me *swoon* LOVE IT! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. Ah, such fun to find little treasures right, and I sure do love Willie's in that pic LOL!

    Love the LO's, especially the one for STM. How is it that by adding just a few things, you're able to make a LO look so artsy? I always love the results!
    xxx Peggy

  4. What a wonderful treasures you found Michelle!!! LOVE the hanger... your layouts both are beautiful, I can see you sitting and gluing all those little blingies, you humming a song and Johnny and Willie watching - am I right? Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Your challenges look great! I'm so happy to be a part of your page! And how cute is Willie?! Awesome finds, btw!

  6. Oh, how I love your work, Michelle! I've missed seeing it! Definitely going to be better about looking at/commenting on your blog.

    LOVE that pic of Willie w/your thrifty finds! It made me laugh!!

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. WOW! I love your pages and they are so beatiful and they have a fresh design! Love your art!
