Thursday, July 22, 2010

Soak Up The Sun, Happy Mail and Yummy Pie!!!

The song this week at Scrapping The Music is "Soak Up The Sun" by Sheryl Crowe! It's such a bright, happy song I really felt inspired to make a bright, happy layout!!! Here's what I came up with...

The photo was taken on Honeymoon 3 in San Diego, California on the brightest, most beautiful day you could imagine! I used a combination of things from my stash for this one. The sun was made from yellow cardstock which I shaded with colored pencils. The flowers were a gift from my friend Jeanet - white ones which I misted to make the bright colors.

Come on over and play along with us! Click here to go to the challenge!

I got the coolest surprises in the mail recently and I just have to show you!!! First, I got this super GROOVY journal from my friend Julie Tucker-Wolek. How AWESOME is this???!!!
I mean seriously - the bright colors (especially the ORANGE), the 60's hippie vibe, and the inside pages which are super good quality thick, white paper - it's perfect for art journaling!!! I can't wait to start filling it up!!!!! Thank you so much Julie!!! I LOVE IT!!!

The second awesome surprise was this BEAUTIFUL handmade tag, sent to me by my friend Jana, who is new to the Fave Things design team. It's got my photo and nickname from Fave Things!!! How gorgeous is this????.......
I absolutely LOVE IT Jana!!! and I have now incorporated it into my current art journal; and will always think of you when I see it!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH Jana!!!

Earlier this week, Michael and I had dinner with my mom and his parents; followed by some of Michael's mom Sue's fabulous homemade pie. How beautiful and delicious does this look???!!!! It's like a work of art. I just had to take a picture...
It's fresh peach, blueberry, raspberry and it was YUMMY!!!

Here's Michael and mom enjoying the pie and conversation...

with Sue and Stan!
There's truly nothing more wonderful than happy family moments like these. I am soooo grateful for our families!

That's it for today! I thank you so much for visiting and for your comments!!! They really mean the world to me! Have a wonderful Friday my friends!!!


  1. What a wonderful post with so much happiness!!! LOVE the bright and happy layout, the journal you got from Julie is amazing, she's so sweet! The tag is gorgeous and the pictures of your family show you had a wonderful, loving week. YAY!!!! Hope your weekend will be as beautiful too!

  2. awesome happy stuff here!!! Gorgeous presents you received!!!

  3. That layout is so chilled out and summery it is ace!! I will have to try using colouring pencils as you can create great effects with them.

  4. I really love your LO - the bright colors, the painted sun - so fun and cheery! LOVE that song too!

  5. I guess if I had seen that journal in a random store, anywhere, that would have made think of you immediately, it's so you, Michelle!!
    Love your summer-y page and family photos too
    hope you have a great weekend!

  6. Love that LO!!! and wow that is a cool journal Julie got you, isn't she the best!!! love the pics of your fam!!
    Have a great weekend

  7. That is a really bright and fun layout. Beautiful tag and that pie looked yummy.

  8. great pics... and what a fun bright happy lo... {{hugs}} michelle

  9. great lo and that pie looks yummy!
