Friday, February 4, 2011

An Otter in a Tweed Jacket...

Back in November, I got a call from a dear old friend of mine - Jan. We go way back to 7th grade when we both took dancing lessons at the same studio. We became fast friends and were even roommates for awhile after high school. We hadn't talked in a few years, so it was great to hear her voice when I picked up the phone. Jan has been involved in community theatre for just about as long as I've known her. She needed a logo created for this year's Minnesota Association of Community Theatres Festival, and was wondering if I would be able to create it for her. She said she wanted "an otter wearing a tweed jacket sitting in a wing-backed chair smoking a pipe!" I laughed at the visual that created in my head, but told her I would never be able to come up with something like that.

But later that night I started doodling and to make a long story short it turned out like this (I did the drawing and Jan colorized it)...

Jan sent me an email yesterday, letting me know that my artwork was online! It was such a day brightener to see it there! Check it out (scroll wayyyy down to the bottom of the page):


Thanks Jan! Your email was just the boost I needed.


  1. Your blog makes me so happy every time!
    Your little otter is adorable and I love how
    his tail peeps out. I am still sending prayers
    and good wishes your way. Fondest Aloha.

  2. How cool!!! I love the pic - and what a neat story!!

  3. Tooooooooooooooo stinkin' cute!!! LOVE IT! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. You crack me up. That is the cutest picture ever. Glad you were able to get back in touch with a good friend. I love it when that happens. You deserve some happiness.

  5. Your drawing is awesome! so glad that you are doing better and that you had such a happy connection with an old friend. Thinking of you.....

  6. It's an adorable image, and I'm glad you had a good time while drawing it. You need good moments (and friends!) to get through the bad times... thinking of you Michelle!

  7. So awesome, Michelle!!!! that's just a great story.
