Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Grief is a Journey...

I look around my scraproom and think - what is this all for anyways? It's weird because art is my life, and creativity is therapeutic - I know it is. I am always preaching that, and yet, now it's hard for me to be interested in it at all.

I got myself a special journal, specifically for dealing with the grief I have over losing my mom. I will share the pages that aren't too personal with you as I go. Here are the first two...

I am still committed to Julie Balzer's "Art Journal Every Day" project, and these two pages are my contribution for this week.

Don't forget to check out Julie's AJED post tomorrow!

P.S. I fully expect to have some happy posts in here too - I just have always believed it is important to journal all of your feelings - not just the pleasant ones. Now is my time to test that theory, right?

Thanks for visiting and I will be back soon with another update.



  1. Michelle, the 'phone' page gave me chills. I have experienced much of what you will be going through these next few days, weeks, months.... I don't at all mean to make this about me, but I just want to let you know that I can empathize with you. My BIL was riding his motorcycle when he was killed by a drunk driver in August 2003. My dad died very suddenly in February 2004. - So I kind of know the range of emotions you will be feeling. Some days are ok, some days not... but please, please know that I am thinking of you daily. Hugs to you.

  2. I don't know what to say dear... your pages go so deep and it came right into my heart...

  3. You're right--grief is a journey--and one whose various paths you may find yourself traveling many times in the coming weeks, months, even years, sometimes when you least expect it. I still find myself reaching for the phone to call my mother because we spoke every day. And how I look forward to dreams where she or my dad, also gone, visit me! I pray you will have peace on your own grief journey and that one day you will be able to smile, even laugh, through your tears. God bless you.

  4. Your pages are wonderful and so filled with love. After my mother passed, I made a quilt top with some of her fabrics - it was totally unlike anything I would have normally done BUT I just could not quilt it and finish it so I put the quilt top away - finally this past summer (10 years after she passed), I was able to quilt and bind it. I am now using it on our bed and it always brings me happy memories. I also want to add to what Deb said about dreams - I still dream about my parents and others who have passed - their memories will always remain in my heart and mind. Sending you good thoughts and prayers.

  5. I experienced a similar thing when my father passed away. I am feeling what you are feeling

  6. Beautiful pages, Michelle.
    I know what you're feeling and I'm thinking about you a lot.


  7. What ever it is you are feeling at any given moment - even questioning your art - is o.k. There are no rights or wrongs or time tables. Your pages are stunning and so full of emotion. Take Care - we will miss you on Saturday and are looking forward to seeing you in March.

  8. I think this a good process to work thorugh grief.

  9. wow. I'm a first-timer here, and I'll be back over and over. I'm so sorry about your mom. I can't even imagine.. I think it's really healthy to keep going creatively. Prayers are sent your way. :)
