Friday, May 18, 2012

Finish 'Er Up Friday...

For this week's Finish 'er Up Friday, I am focusing on getting all of my unfinished projects sorted out and into some kind of order; so I at least know what I have - ha.  This is what my unfinished project collection looks like right now...
 Just looking into these boxes is a little overwhelming...
 I don't even know how many are in there, but I know it's even more than it looks like it is...

 My plan is to drag them all out, and find a way to repackage them so that they are organized and attractive. Possibly even labeled!  Then I can make a plan to finish them.  I will keep you posted on my progress.

I am also in the midst of a huge purge in my scraproom.  I just have too much stuff.  Here's what the mess looks like right now...

I am working this weekend to fill up 10 Medium Flat Rate boxes with miscellaneous patterned paper and embellies to sell here on the blog.  I am hoping some of you will be interested?  I will jam as much as possible into each box.  It's all good stuff, It's just more than I can use.

I will be back tomorrow with an update!


  1. Good luck with the organizing and purging!!! Can't wait to see what it looks like when you are done!! And I'd love to see what you put together to sell!!

  2. Sounds like a great project Michelle. In fact I have just done the same thing myself not too long ago. It's great as I'm now attending a Crafting group where you take whatever you want to do and enjoy Two and a half hours with like minded people all doing there own project. I have been picking up a (To Be Completed) Bag each week and have already finished 3. Before I get excited about your Packages, Will you be Posting Overseas? Please let me know and Good Luck.
    Beverley..... (Down Under)....

  3. Oh yeah-I know what you mean about too much stuff. You are a good person if you can fill ten boxes; I never want to throw anything out/or sell it once I look at it. I keep thinking I might find a use for it. But I am working at it too. I wish you luck.

  4. I'd love to come play in your art room! Are you located in the US or overseas?

  5. I ask because of shipping costs for the stuff!

  6. Would you ship one of those superfun boxes to someone in Canada?? I always love new goodies. And I've been silently stalking - I mean reading your blog for awhile now - I really enjoy it :)

  7. Hi Michelle, I would be very interested in possibly purchasing some of your " extra " goodies. I have a rather slim collection, so the opportunity to beef it up some would be delightful. Although presently my budget is slim also! Thanks for possibly offering this opportunity. Leslie

  8. Hi Michelle, I would be very interested in adding to my journaling stuff collection! Although my budget is pretty slim, I would do my best to help you out! Sincerely, Leslie

  9. Seeing your pile of unfinished projects makes me realize I'm not alone in having a pile like that myself - and somehow that knowledge makes me feel a bit better. Thanks for sharing that.
