Saturday, May 19, 2012

Scrappy Box Sale!!!!!

I worked all night last night purging my supplies and getting some super fun boxes of scrappy stuff ready to sell!  I ended up with five boxes instead of ten, cuz I wanted to make sure they were super full for you!

Here are some photos of the process:

FYI - These are all things that I would still use myself....

Some of the brands include:  Studio Calico, Sassafras Lass, American Crafts, Pink Paislee, Hambly, Cosmo Cricket, Jenni Bowlin, etc.  I've only included full packages of embellies - no leftovers...

Each package has at least two full alphabet sets...

Here's a side view of the paper piles - they are huge and heavy!

And these are the final five piles before I put them in the boxes.  Each one is different, but I tried really hard to divide things up equally so no matter which box you end up with you will be happy!

 I am asking $30.00 per box plus shipping ($11.95). U.S. Only 
Edited to add:  I weighed the boxes and each one is over 7 pounds!  This is a lot of stuff!

I'm so sorry that it has to be U.S. only.  I looked into making these available internationally, but I would have to use different boxes and the shipping would have been astronomical.

If you would like to purchase one of these boxes, please email me at, and put BOX REQUEST in all caps in the subject line (this will make sure I don't miss your email). I will send you a paypal invoice for $41.95.

The first five people to email me will get the boxes.
As of 6/1/12 the boxes have all been sold. Thanks so much!

Once the five boxes are sold I will post that here so you know.  Okay?


  1. Bummer... if you only did this one week later.... I am moving next Saturday and the timing is going to be off :( Good luck in selling those awesome boxes!!!

  2. Wow that is such a great deal!!
    Love the look of what's in your boxes and hope you sell them quickly, that should not be difficult!!

  3. Oh wooow! Great idea!
    If I were a US resident I'd buy you some of these magic box!^^

  4. WOW WOW would looove to have one of these boxes. You always have so many fun things. Too bad I don't have any extra money right now. Do you think you could do this again in the summer, would really love a chance to have these!!!!! You did a great job at packing these, they look YUMMY!!

  5. Hi Michelle!
    I received the Scrappy Box today and I am just BLOWN AWAY!!!! There are so many wonderful things my eyes are on overload!
    Everything is Sooooo yummy!!

    I told my sister about it and she is very jealous (he he he)!!!

    Thank you so much for being so freehearted and wanting to share your goodies with everyone!!

    Thanks again

  6. Karla I'm so glad you like your box!!!!! That just makes my day!!!

  7. Wow, Michelle, you were busy! How fun! Think I may need to do a purge ;)

  8. Oh my goodness, I just stumbled upon your blog. I Love it : ) I thought I would just check to see if you still by any chance still had 1 box left?.. I'm sure they are all sold, but just thought I'd ask.
